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100% complete 172RWD! - updated


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 rwd
Only small updates at the mo as I work away all week and sometimes weekends too so can only do bits and bobs.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 rwd
Yes money is one factor,

When I finish this car I could do a guide
HOW TO convert you Clio to rwd lol

you need.......
know how
And more of above
Thought it was going on the front! Makes a brilliant door pull but they are a bit over done for the intended purpose, unless hidden away of cause.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 rwd
Although that will take a long time so don't get your hopes up lol.

still lots of small bits to do & these take time.


This is going to be sweet when finished! How much did you pay for your seats if you don't mind me asking?

Also do you think it will be finished this year?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172 rwd
Also 197 recaro seat DO NOT fit 172/182
unless you cut and fabricate the frame under the seat.

if you want the proper ones capital seating do them @ £12-1300 each then you need subframes too no idea how much they are £150-£300 .
also the ones from capital seating don't have Renault sport logo they have recaro on them.
