Quote: Originally posted by 172man on 16 February 2003
duh take it back then... ill take you for a spin in mine
Quote: Originally posted by eagle on 16 February 2003
it spins its wheels in the dry in both first and even second gear. Im sure this isnt down to the 90kg weight difference so my earlier 172 must have been down on power.
Quote: Originally posted by mikeherts on 16 February 2003
Mine must be a duff - it aint quick. I would never leave a car like a 106 GTI behind. I can say categorically having driven both, that a Punto GT could keep up with my 172
Oh and it gets even slower on 98 RON. I find 97 is the best. Optimax makes it feel slowest! <SCRIPT language=javascript>
Quote: Originally posted by teady172 on 16 February 2003
You can bang on about 2 seconds quicker on the track as long as you want, when it comes down to it on the road theres nothing between the two cars. On a country road youd have to be on the point of loosing it to maybe pull, what, a car length over a series of corners. On the straights, it all down to who gets on the power first. Im speaking of first hand experience here btw!
Anyway my bro is getting a cup sometime in March and Ill be able to drive both, so Ill post my observations then!
Yeah right chief you wont be getting anywhere near my Cup! Going to take great pleasure in slapping you in your 172!
Quote: Originally posted by 172man on 17 February 2003
what the mk2 has Xenons, climate control, A steel bonnet, bigger wheels, some light washer things, i cant remember the other bits they added. Mine doesnt have all that extra kit, so there is a weight diff.
Quote: Originally posted by 172man on 17 February 2003
rover pah!!!