...I think it has to be CTR. I want a new car that I can afford to run and is on par with the 172. Im not changing car because I think the 172 is a bad car, Im just bored with it now and having any car for 2 years is long enough for me! I will either be going for a v.low millage 2nd hand CTR or a brand new one from http://www.drivethedeal.comwww.drivethedeal.com.
The plan was to go for the LCR, but since there are no new ones left and coupled with a 5 month waiting list for the 225, I cannot wait, the 172 is loosing too much money. I was offered £8,500 for a trade in by one dealer, that scared me!!!
Having said all that, dont expect to get rid of me that easy, I will still be frequenting the boards, and mollesting a few Clios on the local Scottish meets(if Im still allowed - Marc).
I will have a tear in my eye as I watch my car drive away next week, I really have loved owning it and at the same time hated it, but thats all part of the course with owning a Renault!! Theres still a Clio in the family, so that will ease the pain slightly!