Having read the response on the other thread, and drawing my own opinions from other threads hes contributed to, I have come to the conclusion that CUPSIZE is a tube!!
You really do have no clue do you boy! 89KG is not enough of a difference for a a car with exactly the same engine to make much of a difference on the road. The comparison between a VTS and a 172 is a prime example, you screw up at all and a VTS will be all over you, I know Ive seen it. And no, my car is not a slow 172, I can easily stay with a 200BHP, 240lb/ft monster! Its all down to the driver at the end of the day, and its about time you stopped spouting sh1te re: your world beating fecking CUP!
P.S I have no ill feeling re: the CUP, Im still considering changing!