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182 radio and heated rear window


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
bit of history -

two lines stopped working on my heated rear window and also when i turned it on, it interfered with vibe fm.
So took it back to renault (cressing, who are crap) they looked at it and said they sorted it and the reason it was interfering with the radio was cos the lines were broken.

they only fixed one of the broken lines and it still interfereing with vibe fm -

anyone help???????


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
White16valver said:
fix any other broken lines? ;)

true, but i didnt break the line as the boot dont get used - it just went

and that shouldnt make an difference, unless the wireing is crap. broken line or not the electric is still flowing on the heated window through the rest of the lines. So one line broken shouldnt make any difference, i recon a live wire is touching the metal body somewhere.

but i was hoping someone else might have had the same problem and a solution
