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2005 RB 182 Cup


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Sorry mate I don’t. Basically templated it to fit the bolt holes available to secure it down and made it as light as possible.....

Thanks Craig. I'll template something and then get a mate to make it for me.


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Got the car back from the mechanic and really pleased.

Had the following done:

  • Oil change (Gulf Competition 5w-40 Racing Ester Fully Synthetic Engine Oil)
  • Coolant change (Renault Type D)
  • Fitted newly refurbished calipers
  • Flush the brake fluid with Motul RBF660
  • Fitted new Magneti Marelli injectors

I also got a knocking noise fixed which was just a loose top mount bolt.

I'm really pleased with all of the above mainly the change of injector, the car idles so much smoother, and as said above I'm not sure if they have eve been changed.


So lucky to have a mate who sorted it all out for me and all going well I could be driving in 2 months...



ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Snetterton Evening - 29th July 2019

So after being given the green light to start driving at the beginning of July I risked booking up an evening track session at Snetterton. To be honest when I booked the event I didn't hold much hope to making it at all yet alone in the Clio. Even weekend I attempted to climb into the Clio with not much luck until the Monday before, I managed to squeeze into the car although it was ridiculously uncomfortable with the standard Club Sport seats. They were always tight but with my newly added screws it was actually painful.

So on Wednesday evening I did sensible thing and contacted Corbeau to find an XL seat that could be delivered before Friday! I dealt with a chap there who was really helpful and managed to get a Corbeau Pro Series in Carbon/Kevlar. Its a lovely seat and its so much more comfortable than the Club Sports, really good value for money and looks amazing too.

As I was away at the weekend for my 5th wedding anniversary I only had Friday evening to fit the seat, which to be honest was a horrid job, mainly down to lack of movement in my hip, bearing in mind I've only been walking unaided for around a week at this point!

Seat arrived:


Unfortunately I'm unable to run my door bars with the new seats, but I'm hoping when I'm more mobile I can see if this can be changed.


Look so nice...


Cooper loved the new seat:


I did a half day at work, followed by 2 hours of physio and then started the almost 2 hour drive to Snetterton. The seat was amazingly comfortable i attempted a few quick bends to see how I felt and it was a little sore but I didn't plan on going crazy that evening.

All ready to go:



On track:


Great evening, was going at around 65%/75% of my ability as all left handers hurt like hell and right fast right handers also hurt! I only did a few stints but I loved it.

The car felts amazing, the suspension is far more compliant on the road, the turn in is mile better and the diff is even better than I expected. I know everyone goes on about how it transforms a Clio and it really does, basically go into a corner and then add more power to make it around! its crazy!

I do have a few issues which I need to resolve but I'll write about these later...



ClioSport Club Member
  Q7 2018 & 172 Cup.
Looks really good mate. I did Snetterton a couple months ago and loved it. Probably wasn’t the best track to go to whilst you are recovering as it has quite a few technical high speed corners. Glad you enjoyed it as I did and I wanna go back there soon. God speed with the rest of your recovery.


ClioSport Club Member
Really enjoy reading your updates tom. Makes for a good read.

Shame that your still in pain, but looks like your pushing through and it's now not hindering you "too" much.

Been flicking back at your project thread for pics and guides on the AC removal actually. I've decided to do a AC delete and go down the cup setup route. I already have the alternator and belt, so I'm just doing my homework at the mo.


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Looks really good mate. I did Snetterton a couple months ago and loved it. Probably wasn’t the best track to go to whilst you are recovering as it has quite a few technical high speed corners. Glad you enjoyed it as I did and I wanna go back there soon. God speed with the rest of your recovery.

I'm not sure any track day was a good idea! But if I'm honest I took it easy and it was just nice to drive the Clio! Fingers crossed I'll be able to smash out the trackdays/sprints next year.

Really enjoy reading your updates tom. Makes for a good read.

Shame that your still in pain, but looks like your pushing through and it's now not hindering you "too" much.

Been flicking back at your project thread for pics and guides on the AC removal actually. I've decided to do a AC delete and go down the cup setup route. I already have the alternator and belt, so I'm just doing my homework at the mo.

If I can be of any help just ask. You'll find it easy I'm sure, however yours will be slightly different to mind as I assume you're retaining the HPAS, but nothing to different. You'll be so pleased when you do it, I think it makes the engine bay look so much cleaner. I'm sure you will, but make sure you remove it correctly and remove all the items in the bulkhead. I changed to a 172 Cup blower but I think its more work on a FF Cup.

Great car OP, well specced with nice bits and well finished.
Wishing you well in competition and hope the hip is on the mend. :)

Thanks mate. Fingers crossed I'll be back out soon...


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup

The car went in for its MOT this week. I didn't expect the Clio to have covered many miles but I was shocked that it had only covered 627 miles in the 12 months, 250 of those are from when I went to Snetterton the other week!

I've also order another Corbeau Pro Series in Carbon/Kevlar seat so I'll have a matching pair.

This weekend I'll hopefully give it a clean and I may even drive it to work tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it.


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Brands Hatch & Donnington Park Track Prep

With my hip starting to feel comfortable once again I booked up a few track days in the coming months.

First is Brand Hatch on Monday 4th November 2019 while the second is Donnington Park on Saturday 30th November 2019. I've not yet driven Brands in the Clio, crazy considering its my local track and I've never been Donnington before so both should be interesting.

As per usual there are a few jobs I want to complete prior to both:
  1. Fit PMS stud and nut conversion along with 10mm spacers up front.
  2. Fit Aero catches to bonnet.
  3. Fit passenger Corbaeu Pro Series seat.
  4. Fit lightweight battery.
  5. Move my seat forward (as they are in a fixed position currently a tad too far away for my liking).
  6. Give the car a good wash
Nothing to major, as you can see, however all stuff that I purchased almost a year ago that I just need to get fitted.

Time is major restraint currently, work is particularly busy, attending physio twice a week, all in addition to having an 8 month old baby, luckily the car is in the garage and therefore I can do some of the jobs of an evening which will help massively, Hopefully an update with pics to follow this week...

Finally I'm having some thoughts about selling the Clio and buying a Caterham, I'm not yet convinced as a Caterham is my Dream car and I don't want to peak too soon! But I can't stop myself from looking online daily at them. Ideally I would keep the Clio for Sprinting etc and then have a Caterham for the odd Sunday blast but only having room for one car in the garage is the limitation without getting into garage hire, which I don't think will suit me. Plus I think the only way to reco funds on the Clio would be break it which would be a shame after all the time and money that has gone into it. We shall see.



ClioSport Club Member
Goot to hear you're on the mend Tom(y). Is a Caterham easier to get into than a Clio with a dodgy hip? I'd hold off on that one for a little while longer🤣


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Goot to hear you're on the mend Tom(y). Is a Caterham easier to get into than a Clio with a dodgy hip? I'd hold off on that one for a little while longer🤣

Thanks for the well wishes.

Good Point! Currently I don't think I could get into a Caterham and it hadn't even crossed my mind! A friend has one, I'll pop around to see how far off I am!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio/ EscCos
If you're local to brands, do not, whatever you do go to Sevens and Classics round the back of paddock on scratchers lane for a quick look round....

(I've got a RB 182 too that's not been used for the best part of a year and essentially want to do the whole Caterham thing... and I live about 5 miles from Brands! )


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
If you're local to brands, do not, whatever you do go to Sevens and Classics round the back of paddock on scratchers lane for a quick look round....

(I've got a RB 182 too that's not been used for the best part of a year and essentially want to do the whole Caterham thing... and I live about 5 miles from Brands! )

What are your plans with the Clio?

I don't think I could sell my Clio now, I've spent so long getting it to the current position, however if I get a Caterham I think the Clio could come redundant.

We'll see.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio/ EscCos
Nothing too exciting : just need to get the suspension freshened up, and get a cage fitted : its had everything else done that's necessary (all new brakes / belts / injectors / o2 sensors / wheels refurb + tyres) I've got buckets already (and the jon fox mounts too hat i really need to fit at some point!)
Just difficult finding the time to get it sorted when i have other toys to play with too!


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Brands Hatch - Monday 4th November 2019

I was at Brands Hatch on Monday with a few friends and had a great day. This was my first day with my new suspension, diff, etc, my first time at Brands in the Clio and my first full track day in full over a year and my first full day since my broken hip. I couldn't wait.

I was running my Extreme VR2's which are a little past there best and they didn't really suit the wet conditions in the morning, grip was limited, to say the least, and I wasn't really that comfortable when I first went out. Eventually the track started to dry and I played around with my seating position and it felt far better come late morning , which was timed nicely with a dry line.

Unfortunately the weather was changeable all day and b 3pm I was in a little pain so called it a day and headed home. Overall a great day I just need more seat time...






ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
Looks like a fun day dude! Every time I see this I crave for an RB, especially one with clubsport spec nailed like yours.

Not surprised you ached a bit, trackdays are a workout!


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Good stuff Tom and as always, great pics. I'd enter pic 3 into the calendar, its certainly worthy of it 👍

Thanks Mark. There are 42 photos of me from Monday and I still need to work out which ones are best, hard when you have so many!

Glad to see you back on track, one of my fav cars on the forum.

Cheers Dave. I can't wait to get out more. I'm at Donnington Park on Saturday 30th November and can't wait.

Looks great this mate. I love the first picture!

As said above I've 42 pics from the day need to get them all in order!

Looks like a fun day dude! Every time I see this I crave for an RB, especially one with clubsport spec nailed like yours.

Not surprised you ached a bit, trackdays are a workout!

It was a great day. If I'm honest I was a little disappointed I was in so much pain as the car was far more capable than I was, which is always the case, just even more apparent on Monday. Although moving the seat around seemed to help but hoping to adjust it slightly more ready for Donnington Park

I'm sure your black one will be amazing...


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182 Cup/Meg R26
Just come accross your write up. Thought I recognised it I see it at AWMotorworks when mine was having cam and belts done last year. Cracking car low the candy red wheels. Pic of our cars


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ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Just come accross your write up. Thought I recognised it I see it at AWMotorworks when mine was having cam and belts done last year. Cracking car low the candy red wheels. Pic of our cars

Yeah mine was at AWMotorworks for a while having the suspension/gearbox/etc sorted.

Great pics. How did you find the gripper? I found mine incredible in damp/wet conditions.

In the wet on Monday I wasn't have impressed however in the dry was amazing. I'm unsure how my gripper is set up tbh, I think the main issue was total lack of grip. The extreme tyres are well past there best so I'm fitting the new set of Interstate tyres on the 2118's before Donnington and then take my TD Pro Race 1.2's with Rainsports, hopefully that'll highlight the benefit of the diff.

More pics!




ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Silvertstone GP 2nd February 2020

First track day of 2020 and what a way to start the year. I was worried that Silverstone GP would be to fast for my little Clio, however I was wrong. It's a great track and although more power would have been welcomed it was only missed when I caught up with more powerful cars who then disappeared down the long straights until the next bend!

The car was great although I have two issues:

  1. Wheels bolts constantly coming loose
  2. Steering feeling "lumpy"

The wheels bolts were a pain in the ass, I torqued them up to the usual 105nm, however they were coming loose after around 2 laps, I then went up to around 110nm and the same was happening, went up to around 115nm and the same happened again. I decided to call it a day at that point as I wanted to get home! Annoyingly I have a set of PMS studs to fit but I couldn't locate them last week when a few friends were helping me out :mad:

The steering issue, I'm unsure. I'm currently running EPAS with a standard looped rack, however it felt clunky. It would go from feeling assisted to non assisted very quickly and just felt a bit odd, nothing I can't live with but I'll ask around to see if this is a common issue. However this didn't effect the cars performance.

The track day on the whole was great, I heard someone mention that there was 14 red flags which was annoying, but as I spent a lot of time dicking around with my car trying to find the rattle (bolts where tight when hot but once cooled, loose as a goose). I have a very small amount of video I'll upload this week, but it's pretty boring as I was worried about the loose wheel bolts by the time I remembered to film and they came loose within 2 laps!

Anyway I have a few decent pics from Javelin:





I currently only have one more track day booked for 2020, DN23, a full trackday at Nurburgring on 9th May 2020. I can't wait excited/nervous but I'll no doubt get a few others booked in before for a shakedown and I also plan to take part in a few sprint events. I'm currently awaiting on my race licence from MSA as I was unable to renew online due to my broken hip last year.

I have a list of things I want to do before this trackday however I won't bore all with it now but I'll no doubt document it here when it's being worked on.



ClioSport Club Member

Is there any powdercoat or paint on the conical seats of the wheels where the bolts sit?
If so, this is your issue with bolts coming loose. The bolts/nuts have to be sat on bare metal.


ClioSport Club Member
  Q7 2018 & 172 Cup.
As strange as this sounds, I have PMS stud and nut conversion on mine and it was at Silverstone that my nuts were also coming loose when torqued to 110nm. In the end I went upto 140nm and that's what I do mine to all the time now, which has now been fine over 12+ other trackdays .

Sent from my SM-G977B using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
  Q7 2018 & 172 Cup.
Silverstone GP is such a great track isn't it. One of my best ever trackdays was there.

Where did you get your steering wheel cover, Ebay?
Totally agree, it a brilliant track.. Hilarious at times cause the little French thing just winds in all the powerful cars in the technical parts. Who cares about them blasting down the straights, the fun is in the bends and that's where the Clio exceeds..

Sent from my SM-G977B using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Awesome pic with ‘the wing’ in the background!

I'm pleased with the pics, normally Javelin's pics are a little disappointing, just like there briefing!

Car looks really good 👌🏻

Bit jealous 😂

Cheers. There is still loads more I wish to do, but the usual restraints of time & money are always an issue!


Is there any powdercoat or paint on the conical seats of the wheels where the bolts sit?
If so, this is your issue with bolts coming loose. The bolts/nuts have to be sat on bare metal.

TBH I don't actually know. Hopefully when weather improves I'll be able to spend a lot more time sorting out all the bits prior to DN23.

Silverstone GP is such a great track isn't it. One of my best ever trackdays was there.

Where did you get your steering wheel cover, Ebay?

GP is amazing, I just need bigger balls! I was quicker than a lot of "better" cars but should have been even faster than I was.

Steering wheel cover is from eBay, I got loads of them when they were on special. Although I much prefer my TRS one I lost. Need to order another.

Car looks great just read the thread (y) Can second the Abarth too mrs has one they’re great cars a lot of fun to drive:cool:

Thanks! I love my Abarth, but that is limited to short journeys! The seats are so uncomfortable for any time over an hour.

As strange as this sounds, I have PMS stud and nut conversion on mine and it was at Silverstone that my nuts were also coming loose when torqued to 110nm. In the end I went upto 140nm and that's what I do mine to all the time now, which has now been fine over 12+ other trackdays .

Sent from my SM-G977B using Tapatalk

Interesting you had this issue at Silverstone, it is a fast track. I did have this once before at Snetterton but I always torqued to 110nm and never had an issue until last weekend.

Totally agree, it a brilliant track.. Hilarious at times cause the little French thing just winds in all the powerful cars in the technical parts. Who cares about them blasting down the straights, the fun is in the bends and that's where the Clio exceeds..

Sent from my SM-G977B using Tapatalk

Yeah an amazing track, the amount of more powerful cars I was "over" in the technical parts and then they would leave me on the straights. This would be my only complaint about the day the lack of blue flags! Oh that the the race cars who appears to be using it as a warm up race!


ClioSport Club Member
  2005 RB 182 Cup
Upgrades and Brands Hatch - June 2020

Since Silvertsone in February, I'd not used my Clio or had much done to it excluding a paintless dent removal chap who I would highly recommend however I'd accumulated a loads of parts over the past year, I therefore got it booked in with Alex at AW Motorworks for the following:

  1. Oil change (Millers Oil CFS Competition Oil)
  2. Gearbox Oil Change (Redline MTL)
  3. Brake Fluid Change (Motul RBF660)
  4. Coolant Change (Renault Type D)
  5. Fit Pro-Am Racing Roll Centre Correction Kit
  6. Fit PMS Nut & Stud (75mm all around)
  7. Fit PMS 10mm Front Spacers
  8. Resolve ABS warning light (ABS Ring & Sensor)
  9. Fit Rear Beam Bushes

As always and as mentioned many a time on here, Alex is one of very few people I would now let touch my Clio (excluding mates!). He is always a pleasure to deal with, honest and reliable. On top of all this he's a nice bloke. The car is booked back in with Alex to sort the corroded rear brake lines and also fit some new rear shims.

As soon as I got the car back from Alex I had a brand new set of Yoko A048's fitted and I was then ready for my first track outing at Brands Hatch, this was the first time I was totally comfortable in the car since my broken hip and I think it was safe to say it showed. The car felt amazing and I gradually got quicker and quicker throughout the course of the night.

I had my Vbox fitted (but unable to see the times while driving) and I believe my quickest lap of the evening was 59.36 with the car offering far more. I was still loosing a lot of time at Paddock Hill (kept using 3rd, need to use 4th) and I think I could easily get down to 56's.

Here a quick video of me following my Friend in his X85 Clio Cup (this was his first outing in the car since it was built back to what it is today and he was also short shifting at 5k rpm) however following a such a good driver really helps.

The Pro-Am Racing Roll Centre Correct Kit made a huge improvement to the turn-in, its up there with the diff as best modification. The PMS Studs also helped massively as I'd lost confidence in my bolts, literally came loose at every trackway and I would only ever do a few laps before coming in to check them. I literally torqued them up before going out. Did a quick 15 mins stint came back in, they were a little loose but after re-torquing them, they didn't move all night, and I did some long sessions (was out for 40 mins at one point).

Here are some pics from the evening:




Below is a pic of my two Friends X85's Clio Cup Cars:


I've got two more track day's currently booked 1st July at Snetterton and then 22nd July at Brands again and I can't wait to get back out. There are only two items I need to change in the car IMO:

  1. Fit my roll cage door bars (a few friends are going to help with this as we need to adjust due to the XL seat).
  2. Lower my seat. Currently as low as it can go without changing the OEM cross members (requires some research).
  3. Lower my steering column.

The above aside, the Clio, in my eyes is "finished" I will literally maintain it (including sorting any rust this winter) and use it as much as life allows, I've got some DN credit to use as my Nurburgring Track day was cancelled which was due in May. A few friends are going in September which I hope to join (house move is making it hard to commit) but I'll use the Clio as much as possible during the second part of this year until the track days stop and then get it off the road for a good tidy up (Powder coat all suspension parts, remove any rust & make like new).

I'm sure I've missed stuff off but I've got a s**t load of work todo!



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio/ EscCos
I've finally read this start to finish : love it, pretty much exactly what i want to do to mine! Really need to start a thread really. Will have to keep an eye on this for when you are at brands for a look around in person.

(Is the caterham pull not still there though?)
