Hi just wondering if anyone new what i might be able to do in this situation.
As you all know i am thinking of getting a clio cup and my mum has a 1.2 clio xreg.
She bought it from new and has had no problems, the warranty ran out on 28/11/03 and on the 01/12/03 when she wound down the window it jammed and she couldnt put it back up.
This was at work, she wason her own and it was pouring with rain so she just taped up the window and took it to a local garage. In total the repair cost £200 and its so frustrating that if it had happened 3 days earlier it would have been free.
She is going to ring Renault this morning to see what they can/will do.I was just wondering if anyone new the best way to approach this or if there is any loopholes or anything?
Thanks alot for any info whatsoever.