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A Hummer & my Mum' car


ClioSport Club Member
The Hummer parked in Didsbury (where you really need a Hummer, lol),


And some pics of my Mum's car 'cos I've just had to clean it, brought her back 3 loads of washing from uni, so thought I'd better do something, lol.




Excuse the terrible removal of her reg, lol, not vert technical with Photo prgrammes, lol.


ClioSport Club Member
Lol, tbh, can't fault the car, granted it's a shed with s**t build quality, but the engine is sound enough, she never does anything to it (typical woman with cars) and it just keeps going, and it didn't cost her a lot 'cos she got it a couple of weeks after they went bust.
There is a little private primary school on the way to work. It's on a very narrow road yet a stupid mum drives her precious daughter in a black Hummer with huge chrome wheels. It's hilarious seeing them inside the cabin, they're about 20 foot apart!

I'm not anti-4x4 but it does annoy me seeing her drive such a needlessly big, polluting car just so they can imagine they're Beyonce living it up in LA.
