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Adding mods and ur insurance company!


ClioSport Club Member
hi ppl, i was thinkign botu addign a bit 2 my nxt clio ie tinits alloys and an exhaust but was wondering where i stand with insurance if i crash! (fingers crossed). i know some companys will let you pay a bit extra 2 insure this but i dnt think my insurance norwich union allow it. wat do ppl think?


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Firstly if u search the forum there have been 6+ threads regarding declaring modifications

Right to save time i shall explain anyways.

If you add anything to your car or change things. (modify)

Then you have to get these declared with your insurance company, not declaring these will VOID your policy.

Norwich Union do accept 3 modifications and no more.

Obviously being young, and all depending on your area, conditions etc....

The extra premium can vary greatly!! anywhere from a small fee of £10 or anything well over £500

Some companies may not even take the mods if you are young.

Hope that helps


ClioSport Club Member
:eek: :eek: :eek: i just rang norwich union and it was 280 pounds to add my alloys and an induction kit! and 160 for just the alloys! :eek: :eek: :eek:


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Its got to be ur age etc then??

Or to do with risk etc... u may have to wait a couple of years or find a company who will let you cheaper
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Yeah mate because as they winch your smashed up car onto the back of the low loader - police stood round taking statements you're going to have time to take all the mods of your car huh...

Yeah... righto... *rolls eyes*

Inunisured drivers are the biggest reason we pay through the f**king roof for insurance in the first place. If you can't afford the premium then don't do the mod.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
VERY True Si ^^^

Just noticed also why they have given u such a high premium:

Date of Birth:
February 17, 1988
Renault Clio RT 1.4 MK1

Hope the policy is in ur name too ;)


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Well if your using the car mostly, then the policy needs to be in ur name.

Unless its your mums car and you use it occasionally?

Insurance companies dont favor people getting cheaper insurance by saying there parents use the car mainly.


  RS 182 - Black Gold

Thats how much i paid when i first started out :(

Glad to see u took the right road....


  RS 182 - Black Gold
oh btw,

I didnt add any mods to my car till i was about 19/20 and even then premium was high for them.


ClioSport Club Member
so why is it better to go on your own name anyway coz every other person i know my age with a car (about 7 ppl) are insured under other ppls names?


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Well for a start being insured under someone elses name and saying they are the main driver of the vehicle clearly there not tho... is against the law!!

Secondly you dont build up any No Claims Discount yourself, so when you do coem to insure in your name you will be left with 0 NCD, (it stays with the policy holder, not a named driver) - in turn making ur new premium higher !!

Secondly its a way of avoiding the high costs of a young drivers insurance - In turn putting everyone elses premiums up!!! specially when they have a prang!!


ClioSport Club Member
ah rite. well i was pretty distressed about my premium cost! im still paying it off! have only paid a 1g so far. i already have a years no claims at the age of 17 frm my old bike! :D but im yet 2 see it norwich union will honour their word and accept it from me! :evil:


  RS 182 - Black Gold
hehehe, yer it is a struggle.... but you do begin to see the good side soon enough!!

Your next premium will drop rapidly.....every year u will see it go down if u stay smash free

Once you have built up a good NCD you will be able to insure cars your friends cant (lacking NCD)

Compared to some of my friends who were on there parents policy they cannot insure even a 1.2 at a decent cost !!

So in the long run it does come back to you :)
