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Am I mad to upgrade tonight?


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Right I was holding off for the inevitable iPhone announcement in September but Saturday I thought it was a good idea to talk on the phone whilst giving the car a buff.

It slipped and hit the concrete and cracked the screen and the back cover. No worries I've got a set in my desk at work. So after doing everything and feeling proud of myself I get to the second from last screw and find it's rounded off :mad:

The phone works 99% touch wise but I can't type the letter P and I've already knicked my ear on the cracked glass!!!

So I really need a new one....

Advice please :)



ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Does it have to be Apple? Currently If I was to get a new phone it would be the HTC One M8.

Or you could get a cheap smartphone (or old Iphone 4 etc) and then get the new iPhone when it comes out

It doesn't have to be Apple but I use iMessage a hell of a lot and I would really miss it. The One M8 does look pretty epic though

I might have an Iphone 4 at home I can lend you until then - what network are you on?

Its the missus old one so no promises. She wont miss it though...

Cheers for the offer dude, I don't really want to borrow a vain just because i'm being vain about cracks in my current one. That'd be a bit Knobish :eek:
  Listerine & Poledo
get piss-cheap samsung / LG thing.

use until new iPhone released.

then burn/weld/run over
  Clio 172
Its an awkward time to upgrade! New iPhone in September/October and the newest Android stuff isnt out for another month or two either. What ever you get now will be out of date in a matter of weeks rather than months.

I am and have been a member of the iPhone clan for as long as i can remember. Had the 1st gen and been upgrading every 2 years since. Currently on the 5. I'm tempted to sack it all off this year and get the new LG G3 when its out in the next month or two. The G2 is brilliant, its takes the google Nexus 5 (Also made by LG) up a level and the G3 is reported to do the same again this year. If I don't go LG I will look at the top Sony Xperia, they are also reported to be very content rich and reliable. The HTC One M8 is a nice phone as well, very well built.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
It always happens to me (I got this 4s just before the 5 came out) I don't have to have the latest as i'm not overly bothered tbh. I will have to pay 2 month early upgrade anyway if I go and do it tonight but i'm sure trading in the phone will cover that anyway


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I tried getting the screw out, I have all the replacement glass etc, The screw is well and truly rounded off. God knows who's been in before me as it was brand new from apple.
  Listerine & Poledo
cheap android will cost you the same as paying your early upgrade fee dude.

in fact, I've probably got one knocking about you can just have
  2014 Focus Titanium
I wouldn't upgrade now, even though the M8 looks a beast. Wait for the Nexus 5 replacement in September/October :)
