Well here it is the first of the mega big exciting updates as the car is now making it's way through the bodyshop for all the work we've been dying to get done since the hazy day i agreed to buy the questionable old french rocket in a pub beer garden.
To start off this is what we've been trying to ignore about the car all the time we've had it and to wasn't any better the other side!
First of all Pete the panel beater at my work who to be honest is more of a panel magician than most i've met cut out the offending metal all the way back until there was only good steel left. To be honest we were very suprised to find there was pretty much only as much as you could see on the N/S but the O/S was a different story all together.:dead:
He then ground them back and began putting the new sections into the inner and outer quarter on both sides as the outer repairs were pretty small we were able to use non valver arch repair panels ot mend the outer's.
Then with a nice thin skim of filler to iron out any panel imperfections the quarters were repaired and stunnig.
After that it was onto the sills which i thought were "a bit crispy".:dapprove:
I was wrong!
Pete set about these with his biggest hammer to show me what they were like and the inner and outers were both terrible
This however much it scared me didn't upset pete who dived straight in and made it all solid as a rock again.
Any Valver owner who's had
THAT chat with the MOT tester will know what they're looking at above.
To this Below...
As the week drew to a close we had a delivery we've been intreaged about for quite a while now.
These are not a mod for the faint hearted! No hinges or marks where they should be, no holes for the door catch or provision to fit windows but hey ho we'll get the better of em!
I got to work this morning at 7:30 with one intention. Fit the doors. I had to start off by mounting them in position lined up with the wing and quarter before taking the wing off to mark were i need to mount the hinges. This took LOTS of gaffer tape and cardboard lol.
After a fair bit of head scratching about how the hinges were to be fitted to the door, I got it all bolted up and fitted in about 3-4hrs. This however gave me a clear plan of how to do the N/S so that really only took an hour or so.
A morning well spent i think you'll agree! Now there's a few bits of tin worm to tidy and then it's ready for the painters. Fingers crossed for the middle of next week