It might be to you but, no, not for me. I love mine because it's fantastic to use. I couldn't personally give a hoot what anyone else thinks about my choice of cell phone. Also, since it's already far and away the best looking phone available, it's a bit bent to be complaining about the new one not looking different.
The new handset offers enough new features for it to be a worthwhile improvement. People not in contract, will benefit from increased funtionality and, those tied to their current contract have 3.0 to look forward to. No one loses out really. I suppose it would have been better for the new machine to be able cure AIDS. Then the anti-Apple guys could all complain about how users are being screwed by not being able to upgrade.
They're a fantastic looking & feeling handset. The UI and software is second to none, and it's extremely stable. Not much to dislike IMO. Some people just like to be anti-fanboys and think it's cool to be different, when in actual fact, they're just losing out on an epic phone.