The other night myself and rob_sri got together and sprayed our engines to get them looking decent. We worked during the early hours at a unit near us that a member of my family rents. Here are the pictures of mine. Rob decided to go for matt black and has updated his own progress thread with pictures of his, so feel free to check that out
Here are the pictures of mine:
The beasts together in the unit ready for spraying...
We found it would be easier to take this out so we could give underneath a good spray...
This is what it looked like before giving it a spray...
I went for a metallic silver and used heat resistant radiator enamel...
It turned out like this...
Sanded down the Renault Sport logo to make it shiny...
Prepared the engine for a spray by covering any holes...
You can see how dirty is was before spraying...
A few coats of spray paint later...
Started to put it back together...
Managed to find the engine cover amongst the mess...
On it went...
And here it is finished for now...
Planning on getting the engine cover sprayed body colour at some point. Most likely when I get the key mark out of the rear passenger panel along with the minor dent. That way, the paint will be mixed up ready, so shouldn't pay much extra for the engine cover. Looking at getting an air filter at some point, but going to get the key mark, dent, engine cover and alloys done first.