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Arghh, Nightmare!!

  Clio 172 cup
Well, maybe 'nightmare' is a bit dramatic but still it's not something you wanna wake up to in a morning.

Went outside to the car (172 cup) and the wing mirror had been bend back in the wrong direction. Initially I thought it was some idiot messing about, so I went to straighten it out and that's when I saw it.. two huge scratches down the front wing. BRILLIANT! :dapprove:

On closer inspection it looks like a push bike has ran into the mirror, lost control and scraped the handbars along the paintwork (which was pristeen btw).

Spent the majority of yesterday attacking it with a rotary and some polish and tbh the majority of it has gone however there's a patch about 3 inches long (looks like it's been keyed) that just will not come out. It's not Uber deep but you can definately get your nail in it. Am I right in thinking it's respray time or is there anything else I could do???

Please help. =(
