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Back to my roots

  Clio RS200 Cup
Hello All

Just joined ClioSport in anticipation of taking delivery of an RS200 Cup

Coming back to a performance hatchback after some time in a Diesel Saloon, looking forward to life beyond 4000 RPM.:evil:

Been lucky enough to own some entertaining motors in the past including a 5 Gordini, Golf GTi and R26 which was a hoot. Attracted to the driving dynamics and
purity of the Cup and I can't wait for the May delivery date

Any tips on running in a new VVT motor?

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Welcome along mate, when you get it, let it get warmed up properly then put it under a lot of load and through the entire rev range and try not to sit at a constant rev for too long at first.
