Hmm, well I'm stumped then.
As I say, the car was running well for 7 months, although still a little lumpy at idle I put that down to the decat. Now it's kicking out the same problems as it did when I changed the lambda sensors. It's only during the warm cycle, too. Car doesn't cut out when it's cold and when it does cut out, it fires up again straight away.
Not sure if it will have any relevance, but the cylinder head is from a 172 racer. KTEC claimed the only differences between this and the 182 cylinder head were the breather system location and bigger exhaust ports. Doubt that has anything to do with it anyway, as like I say the car was fine for all that time prior to selling.
Just odd how it hasn't been right since I got the work done, including the full system exhaust. So that was cylinder head, belts, dephaser, tappets and exhaust system.