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Battery relocation question


  Clio 172
I am going to relocate the battery to the trunk.
Just a short question where is the best place to fit it in a trunk? Midle/RH/LH/Near back seat or near the trunk hood?
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
From a weight distribution point of view, ideal place is just in front of the passenger side rear wheel. (uk passenger side I mean)
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
Generally speaking you dont want any weight to the rear of the wheelbase of the car, as it will have a pendulum effect in corners. So getting it in front of the rear wheel is your best plan, and you want passenger side as so much weight (driver/engine) is on the drivers side.
^^ Problem with that is mounting it in front of the wheel is very difficult due to the fuel tank position. I stuck mine on the left side of the boot next to the wheel arch and not had any problems on track.
Also if you still want to have some interior it's obviously impossible

Other common place is behind the drivers seat as there is a gap between the metal and the fuel tank enough for you to drill and fit some rivnuts or whatever


  Clio 172
yeah.... Actually I do want to save an interior as it'll be more for non track use... I am not able to fit the battery under the drivers seat as I did fit a Civic TypeR seats and it is no enough room for the battery. I am non UK, my driver seat is LH. Should I fit the battery near RH or LH rear wheel arch or in a middle between arches? Originally it was in a front under the hood near LH front wheel arch. (non UK drivers side, UK passenger side).
Sorry miss read that.

I'd still fit it on your side. Left hand side. In your boot will be ideal for you.

Left hand side means it's opposite side to the engine weight.
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
mine has been mounted between the seat rails under the passenger seat.
  Lancia Integrale
Looks good mate- thanks
How did you find the racing battery- with regards to keeping charge and starting
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
the car wasnt a daily runner anyhow, it only came out for trackdays.
the kill swicth suitably isolated the battery from any slow drains so it was fine, the most id ever left the car was aprox 3-4 weeks and once arming the kill switch again, the car started first time with plenty of power to take on the task, but for peace of mind i did eventually have a slow trickle charger that was solar powered just conencted to the battery to maintain it and keep it toped up.

what battery have you gone for?
  Lancia Integrale
the car wasnt a daily runner anyhow, it only came out for trackdays.
the kill swicth suitably isolated the battery from any slow drains so it was fine, the most id ever left the car was aprox 3-4 weeks and once arming the kill switch again, the car started first time with plenty of power to take on the task, but for peace of mind i did eventually have a slow trickle charger that was solar powered just conencted to the battery to maintain it and keep it toped up.

what battery have you gone for?

Ok cool- I haven't got a battery yet :) I was debating between an odyssey extreme 25 on passenger side or a standard battery in the boot..
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
both routes will work well, ive relocated a standard battery in the boot of an old Focus RS, i didnt have any problems with it.
depends if you are just aiming to relocate it or after as much weight loss as possible.

i have the Odyssey on mine, im just unsure if to sell it or keep it to one side ready for the R27 over winter.
  Lancia Integrale
both routes will work well, ive relocated a standard battery in the boot of an old Focus RS, i didnt have any problems with it.
depends if you are just aiming to relocate it or after as much weight loss as possible.

i have the Odyssey on mine, im just unsure if to sell it or keep it to one side ready for the R27 over winter.

I would be interested in the battery mate :)
  172 Cup
Kelv your trophy looks stunning, can I ask where you got the radio blank, is it a standard single din?
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
The radio blank just came from a friend in a local car stereo shop.
he had a few different ones to choose from, and I think it was only £15
  LY FF182
Still isolates the battery.. Same as when you take -ve off to work on something electrical
  Polo + Micra
you know there is a reason why everything is fused on the +ve and everything is switched on the +ve aswell

i wouldn't like to see what happens if you disconnect the -ve with the engine running
Tell a lie, I think what I said above is wrong. (I think the switch is on in that position)

Not had my car for a month though so can't really remember without doing it again.
you know there is a reason why everything is fused on the +ve and everything is switched on the +ve aswell

i wouldn't like to see what happens if you disconnect the -ve with the engine running

Why would you want to disconnect the battery when the engine was running!?
  Polo + Micra
you wouldn't but it can be done quite easily with your setup

why would you fit a kill switch on the -ve !?
you wouldn't but it can be done quite easily with your setup

why would you fit a kill switch on the -ve !?

Check the position of the switch, and where the terminals would to have negative touching down onto the body instead of positive if for example someone were to tread on the switch mounting bracket, otherwise 'boom' goes the battery which is under the passenger seat.
Use a decent bulkhead fixing for starters, no crappy grommets.
It depends on what other bits you are going to use, battery, cutoff switch etc... And where you want to locate them.
