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Battlefield 2 Patch `3000mb ` Solution

  Nippy white cup
Just been trying to get this working and found this...just incase anyone else has the same probs


Click the start button and click "Run".
- Typ "regedit" (without the quotes)
- Go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion
- In the right window doubleclick "ProgramFilesDir".
- The value of "ProgramFilesDir" is probably "c:\Program Files". Change this to a drive with at least of 3 GB of free space. For example, I changed it to "D:\Program Files" (I did create a d:\Program Files folder just to be sure).
- Run the patch.
- After you've patched BF2, make sure to change the value of "ProgramFilesDir" back to "c:\Program Files".
