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BB Storm; updating applications problem

Says no internet wireless, but in full reception and can access sites on the browser.

I am wanting to run my facebook app for a downgrade update that it says I need for it to work again (stopped on friday). Google maps etc working, phone calls/texts working . . .

take the battery out, turn back on and it should be ok.

hard to believe but some face did it at orange for me and it sorted it out
Done it chap, no emails since last wed, facebook apps plus others not working, appworld downloads incomplete apps. . .

Going to install the updated firmware when I get home, but from reading the forums about the storm I may be contacting the family legals lol! Something about sale of goods not fit for purchase meaning people ditching contracts early and going to another phone/service provider . . . i.e. iPhone.
I went for a gadget that was "better than the iPhone". Worst decision I have ever made.

FW being the new update Tom mate?
email still down, did as suggested Tom and have facebook back, also running a lot quicker, but as said, no email :(


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
im not sure how bb's work, do you need to resend the service packs or something?
Simple case, couldn't work it out, reinstalled anything I could find, backed up, wiped the phone started again.

Finally gave up, phone voda for the 3rd time today to get a non n00b. Sir your account's blackberry mail was cancelled when you increased your minutes and texts with us on Tuesday. . . wtf, sort it now!

Sorted :approve:

Cheers for the advice as well Tom, running much better with the new firmware.
