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Best non-smart, non-touch screen phone

Hi guys,

Talking to Vodafone later to add Mum to my account. She's been using the same Nokia for the last seven or eight years, perhaps more, but since she is spending £20 a month on PAYG, she might as well be on a contract.

Question is, what decent Nokias are out at the moment? Seen the Asha 300 - anyone have any experience with this phone, or are they much of a muchness these days?

Cheers, JD
Tbh, most non-smartphones are just that.

They all come with the same sort of features etc, so just pick one that your mum like the look of, and would be happy to use.

The asha 300 looks a good phone. Decent size screen with large-ish keys.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

I made the same mistake with my Mum, its hideously bad. (its partially touch screen)

301/206 would be better options, unless of course you like constant phone calls from a land line to "talk her through sending a text"

I made the same mistake with my Mum, its hideously bad. (its partially touch screen)

301/206 would be better options, unless of course you like constant phone calls from a land line to "talk her through sending a text"

Cheers Tom. Sending her out with dad at the weekend to try out a few, will then get the contract sorted.


ClioSport Admin
Is an iphone 4 or so too technologically advanced for her? i know you said non smart and non touch screen but the UI is so simple on apple devices I genuinely believe anyone can use them. Even if she just uses it for a phone.
IMO it's the easiest phone to use on the planet, the reason why I suggested it. Are they not interested in sim only and just buying a phone outright?

I agree, but it's a "hassle" to buy off eBay, make sure it's unlocked, will it go wrong etc. Dad feels it would be much simpler to buy a phone on contract.

Is an iphone 4 or so too technologically advanced for her? i know you said non smart and non touch screen but the UI is so simple on apple devices I genuinely believe anyone can use them. Even if she just uses it for a phone.

Apparently so. Dad has got one and finds it quite simple. She has an iPad now, although how much she uses it is anyones guess. There is also the cost factor - it sits in her bag or on charge, so a new 4S (again, sticking to the warranty point) really is too much money.
Nothing to add other than if you do go down the used outright purchase route, but from computer exchange (cex). They offer 12m warranty on used goods. I've had a Nokia, dslr and iPhone from them in the past.
