I've been out of the detailing game since getting fed up in the summer and flogging my polishing kit. However, I want to build my supplies up for the summer when I'll do a bit of casual car cleaning / detailing for nearest and dearest...
So, has the hand polishing game moved on from SRP yet? It'll be going under Jeffs Acrylic Werkstatt (or whatever it's called now) and maybe a bit of Vics Concours. Glaze seems popular nowadays but how does sealant / wax sit on top of this?
So, has the hand polishing game moved on from SRP yet? It'll be going under Jeffs Acrylic Werkstatt (or whatever it's called now) and maybe a bit of Vics Concours. Glaze seems popular nowadays but how does sealant / wax sit on top of this?