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BG 182

  AAS'D RB 182
Most likely me :smile: do you still have your rb?
Just bought it back a few months ago. So just got it in the garage now in a million and one bits trying to get it back to been as good as it was. Want some 2118s now though!!!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Just bought it back a few months ago. So just got it in the garage now in a million and one bits trying to get it back to been as good as it was. Want some 2118s now though!!!
Ooh, do you work local then? 2118s are amazing on rb. Just check out @Dr Jekyll's clio


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
On my journey to work last week I noticed the front end was scrubbing on lock even when at low speed. Having read a fair few threads and when looking underneath today, it was clear it was scrubbing on the part of the arch liner where the bumper bracket sits underneath. Few taps with a hammer and bending the arch liner in has hopefully solved this!
I also adjusted the camber slightly as I was running nearly maximum on both sides which won't have been helping the scrub! Motamec covers are serving their purpose well during these wet January days (even though it's only been a week) .

20180127_152953 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Photo of the gearbox cage turret fix

20180127_153044 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Had no luck finding any M9 x 1 nyloc nuts at any of the major fastener companies, so shot bilstein a message and for the sum of £8 they sent me a pair over. Pricey for a couple of nuts, but worth it! In preparation for knackered rear top mount bushes @George@RTR_Parts sorted me out with some black series bushes. I know they don't do too much at the back, but better safe than sorry.

20180127_121011 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

All went relatively smoothly when it came to fitting the bilsteins at the back! I wound the adjusters right back and left both rubber spring pads top and bottom.

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20180127_143916 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Everything received a coating of ACF50 in order to keep it all tip top and rust free. Vital at this time of year!

Whilst I had the back end jacked up, I straightened up the exhaust (Tips just need raising up now) and I fitted some 3/8 nuts to my U clamps from the whiteline ARB. I had been running metric nuts but they kept loosening off. This all got doused in ACF50.

20180127_143853 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I havn't had chance to actually drive the car, but i'm hoping it settles more and no longer scrubs! I intend to lower it slightly more at the front end, but I don't want it to be completely undriveable as the roads around here are pretty bad with lots of speed bumps.

The rear end sits pretty high straight off the jack!

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20180127_161522 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

The rake looks pretty good, so fingers crossed after a drive it sits nicely.

20180127_161503 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I will just keep adjusting it until I get it sat perfectly, then i have some other bits and pieces to do before I take it in for alignment. Can't wait for nice warm days to come :smile:


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
This weather is terrible. Had a few swearing moments today fitting the rubber boots to my new tie rods today. Driver's side is always a ballache.

Yours is looking good now :up:
I did my tie rods not so long ago, they're such a pain to get those rubbers on! Such a relief when they pop on haha :smile: I nearly didn't go out to work on the car, but just shoved some layers on and it wasn't too bad. Got lucky with the rain tbh.

And cheers mate! I just want to get it mechanically sound, then when summer comes I can focus on cleaning up the BG.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I did my tie rods not so long ago, they're such a pain to get those rubbers on! Such a relief when they pop on haha :smile: I nearly didn't go out to work on the car, but just shoved some layers on and it wasn't too bad. Got lucky with the rain tbh.

And cheers mate! I just want to get it mechanically sound, then when summer comes I can focus on cleaning up the BG.

Had 3m X 4m waterproof gazebo set up over mine all day. Stopped raining about 1 o'clock here.

Fitted my rebuilt calipers too with new PBS pads.


Came across Niall on the motorway when I was testing the brakes. 😂


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I live in Holmfirth. Yeah seen his do look amazing but not sure I could cope with the white.
I've some bearings I could do with pressing out of some hubs, and some bushes out of wishbones if you're free anytime soon? :)
  AAS'D RB 182
Haha, an
I've some bearings I could do with pressing out of some hubs, and some bushes out of wishbones if you're free anytime soon? :smile:
Haha, anything like that I have to take to a mate that’s a mechanic, I don’t have the facility’s at home to do that. Otherwise would have been happy to help.
  AAS'D RB 182
Will add to the list. Missed this completely. Hi @cb10 I’ll add you to my Yorkshire list for meets.

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Cool nice one cheers, although not sure how often you have them but will probs be a month before it’s back on the road!! I don’t even have any wheels yet!
  AAS'D RB 182
@RV. Should have tagged you in the mini(very) meet today as it was up your way.
Haha. I take it there weren’t many of you. Was always abit like that years ago when I owned the Clio first time around. We’re did you get to today?


Leeds & Surrounding
ClioSport Area Rep
  Integra Type R DC5
Haha. I take it there weren’t many of you. Was always abit like that years ago when I owned the Clio first time around. We’re did you get to today?
Only 3 of us. Started at the Huntsman and drove down through the Peak District to Glossop(?) I think we drove through and then across Snake Pass to Sheffield. Was a good drive tbh, shame about getting stuck behind slow cars and wagons. Deffo need to do Snake Pass again, when the weathers better and with a few more Clios knocking about I reckon.
  AAS'D RB 182
Only 3 of us. Started at the Huntsman and drove down through the Peak District to Glossop(?) I think we drove through and then across Snake Pass to Sheffield. Was a good drive tbh, shame about getting stuck behind slow cars and wagons. Deffo need to do Snake Pass again, when the weathers better and with a few more Clios knocking about I reckon.
Ah yeah the huntsman is literally 2 minutes from my house, hopefully be able to join you next time.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Popper over to @overboost and had some new SNR bearings pressed into my previously painted hubs. Andy struggled with removing the old bearings, but I had soaked them in deox c, then left them for a few weeks so led to believe that seized them up more! He got there in the end, so happy days!

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I then used Sunday to fit them onto the car. My current bearings seemed absolutely fine, but I wanted to get them changed as I don't know when they were last. It would just be my luck that i'd go for tracking, then a few weeks later the bearing would need doing.

20180204_162411 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Whilst there I changed the offside driveshaft boot. Just a cheap JR one, but seemed to do the job! Old one was split slightly and the grease inside looked fairly old and very green.

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I swapped over the studs from the old hubs which came out surprisingly easily with a blowtorch and the double nut method. Cleaned the threads out on the new hub flange then re-threadlocked the new studs in. Had to wait for it to cure, so tucked it all up and walked to work the next day.

20180204_172454 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I'm going to press in the black series wishbone bushes tomorrow at work, then get them fitted this weekend. Hoping to get booked in with bramracing on Monday as i'm travelling to wales on monday and want all the alignment to be spot on! Going to remove the rear spring adjusters as it's quite high still. Not sure whether to remove the black adjuster part or the other threaded section?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
A small Saturday night update :smile:

Wishbones that @Dr Jekyll kindly sent me had the old bushes removed and new black series ones pressed in at my brothers work. These were again sourced through @George@RTR_Parts. Highly recommend him for parts as they are usually better priced than other places and have such a quick delivery turnaround!

They also had a quick lick of paint prior to the bushes being pressed at an attempt to keep them looking good! Won't last long in this weather 😧

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20180210_132426 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

After letting the rear suspension settle for a couple of weeks I decided I wasn't very happy with the height and decided to remove the threaded collared part of the adjuster. Simple enough job, and I just removed the rear top nuts as I wanted to avoid removing the bottom bolts as aligning the ARB brackets is always a proper pain. (Excuse how filthy the underside is).

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20180210_162414 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

And the height after a few minutes of it settling off the jack

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20180210_162941 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Better! Hoping it'll settle a little bit more, but it's pretty perfect now. I'll be raising the front coilovers slightly (3-4mm ish) tomorrow as the scrubbing is getting annoying.

Another thing I ended up fitting are my freshly painted bullets. At the minute i'm not sure on them! In daylight they're more bluey grey than I was hoping/expecting them to be. I had wanted them to match the 2118's or the rear skirt decals but they do neither.
Have to see how they look when the cars clean. The nearside one snapped a clip which was annoying so i'll be double sided taping it on. If they don't grow on me I will likely sell them on and start over on some new bullets.

Opinions welcomed!

20180210_162745 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180210_162739 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180210_163045 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
The ride height looks absolutely spot on now!! Love how that is sitting................... bullets, ummmm to be honest they don't look bad at all there, got any other pics at different angles?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
The ride height looks absolutely spot on now!! Love how that is sitting................... bullets, ummmm to be honest they don't look bad at all there, got any other pics at different angles?
Once it's all setup properly and had a decent wash i'll get some proper photos of it. Many of the ones I take on my bit of parking are pretty unflattering!

Here's another pic

20180210_163059 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

It's just how they're a completely different colour in daylight that's thrown me! They look identical colour wise to the wheels when in the house haha
Ahh ok maybe its the photo making it look more like the wheels than they are then, from here looks a good colour match!

Good idea though, especially with the Renault Sport wording - if you can get them looking the same colour, will look great!


ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
I’ve gone all black series up
Front jeez it’s stiff and solid! Every bump in the road and I’m
Bouncing around

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ClioSport Club Member
Looks great mate and the ride height looks perfect.
I would have to put original side bullets on to be honest but that's me being me, lol.
Great update :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I’ve gone all black series up Front jeez it’s stiff and solid! Every bump in the road and I’mBouncing around

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What suspension are you running Sam? Everything is solid upfront myself now.
Looks great mate and the ride height looks perfect.
I would have to put original side bullets on to be honest but that's me being me, lol.
Great update :smile:
Thanks mate! I've actually raised it by 5mm today. I might lower it again but it should be around 375mm now.

Side bullets wise, I'm still not sure myself! Quite fancy a change from silver as they don't really match


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Well we made it! Took around 5 hours, but was pretty good time in the scheme of things. Roads were great, but at times very slippy or icy which was a shame. Followed a transit van who was proper giving it some down the country roads so that was actually pretty fun. Seemed like he knew the roads fairly well, but he was proper chucking it about! Fair play.

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20180213_155524 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I do like Wales, especially when sunny.

Before travelling down I popped over to bramracing and got my alignment done. Brad took lots of time to ensure my camber bolts were all setup properly, taking it for a drive twice during the setup just to ensure it was settled properly. Unfortunately it still pulls slightly left but i'll be heading back next week to have it re-tweaked. I might take a look at all the sliders as well but they were all replaced last year.

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Rear end is pretty straight so i'm happy about that!

The car's also filthy, but I took a couple of snaps to show the ride height now and the new bullets. They're growing on me actually! Wont get chance to wash it for a couple of weeks now. Love how the car sits and also heard the milltek when Brad took it for a drive and it sounds ace! Proper chuffed.

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20180213_165738 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
  Clio 182
Removed my inlet tonight and fitted my new spark plugs. Had been meaning to do this since I got the belts done, but just haven't had chance although I've not put that many miles on yet anyway!
The old plugs were well worth changing! But was nice to see they were NGK, however old.
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View attachment 131299420170310_194314 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

And the new ones that went in.

View attachment 131299520170310_194346 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Car started up fine with the new plugs and seem to idle slightly better too. It also seems that the EML light I had earlier has now disappeared! Good old french electrics but I'm counting it as a win.

My grill mesh also arrived today from Germany, and i'll get that cut up for my brake ducts in the not so distant future.

View attachment 131299620170310_140952 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
Hi Louis,
Very good write up on your 182, and loving the progress you're making with the car.
Where did you get the mesh grille from, what website?


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Looks spot on mate. Sits really well. Looks a lovely spot your at 2.
Wowzers, that really is looking and sitting really well indeed mate!!

Looks a beautiful place your at too :up:

Thanks chaps! I'm very happy with it now it's raised up 5mm as it doesn't scrub as bad on full lock and sits perfectly.

It's a lovely place and wasn't actually too expensive for 4 nights!

Hi Louis,
Very good write up on your 182, and loving the progress you're making with the car.
Where did you get the mesh grille from, what website?

Cheers mate. I think my thread updates are getting better as time goes on!
The mesh was from eBay. I believe I just searched for some black aluminium mesh at the time, I'll try dig out the link when I'm back with my laptop.
May have had a link sent by @Dr Jekyll as we split the mesh as there was way too much. I might actually have some leftover.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Looks absolutely spot on now, great spec!
Like the photos from Wales as well, good angles.
Still a few parts ready to fit like cf splitter, washer blanks and modified brake ducts but waiting for a warm day as it's a bumper off job :smile:
