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BG 182


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers mate! Depends how drony it is, and how drony the gf's complaining gets. I had wanted a non res just for the rasps.


ClioSport Club Member
Much less boomy with the rear seats in place. Mine is quite boomy when the engine is under slight load on cruise going uphill etc, but fine at certain speeds on the flat. I didn't make mine to be a Grand Tourer anyway, so it's irrelevant for me.

However, sounds epic when you're on it.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I bought some used 60mm hubs that needed bearings and after advice from @Gus i soaked them in deox c.
Bearings still need pressing out but this stuff is insane! Works much quicker if kept warm too but I had it in a cold cellar.

My milltek also arrived and I gave it a wipe with brake cleaner then a quick polish.

I will be fitting this on boxing day most likely! Had to strap it in for my journey to my mum's house 😂


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Made a start on fitting some new engine and gearbox mounts. I had a receipt for a gearbox mount bought by a PO but when I removed the battery this is what I found

A standard gearbox mount. Who knows what happened to the solid one!

Rather than buying just a vibratechnic gearbox mount it made sense to buy the whole kit with dogbone, engine and gearbox mounts to refresh everything.

Whilst jacking up the car I noticed this...

That'll explain the blow then! I'm going to try weld some new tabs on otherwise it's a whole new manifold jobby which isn't what I want. Puts off fitting my milltek for the time being.

Cracked on with the engine mount and changed this


Levered the whole engine forward and loctited on the centre nut. Will be respraying everything in the summer but a quick spray of satin will do for now on the bolts to freshen up slightly!

I also removed the gearbox mount cage and spider cage to make sure the spindle nut and bolt was fully tightened.


Annoyingly a previous owner had snapped this bolt in the turret. I'll be trying to weld a nut onto the back to remove this otherwise it's drilling it all out.

This is as far as I got as it came dark really quickly. One of the negatives of working outside...


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Fitted the gearbox mount and went for a little drive and it all feels so much tighter. Less movement in the gearstick too with hardly any more vibrations. Just need to sort out that snapped bolt eventually.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Gave it a much needed wash today. Shame it started raining so soon afterwards as I didn't get chance to wax it. It'll do for now.



I also touched in the scuff on the front bumper. I'll be wet sanding then machining this back but I prefer it already!



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers both. Still annoyed with this exhaust issue, as i bought the milltek to do away with silly olive joints, but then i end up with a fucked manifold!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
In the past week I had a bit of spare time after work so decided to paint my bullets that I had previously sanded smooth.
20180120_111628 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180119_230132 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
Pretty happy with how they turned out, but i do kind of wish the sticker was slightly smaller but i'll see once they're on!

Whilst I had the lacquer out, i sanded back my matt cf splitter and gave it around 5 coats.
20180106_195404 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
Glossy!... Not bad for £60! Just hope I don't smash it off in a week 😅

Also managed to get my hands on a non sport climate control panel to remove the sticky one that's in place at the minute.
20180118_174646 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
Had a bit of a car day yesterday, and got round to doing sub odd jobs that i've not had chance to do in the crap weather! I went over to my brothers garage and had chance to use a ramp and work indoors which made a world of difference to productivity!

For a start I dealt with the snapped stud in the turret by grinding off the captive nut on the inside of the arch. I then just used an M8 nut and bolt with a large washer to spread out the load. Saved any messing around drilling it out. I'll grab some photos next time i'm out.

I also fitted my front bilsteins that have been sat around over winter! Upon removal of my old shocks, they were completely knackered and very much in need of replacement. Had a little bit of trouble knocking the top hat over the bilstein top strut, but a socket and hammer sorted that out :smile:

Rest went relatively smoothly, and I re-greased all the top mounts before fitting them back onto the car. No pictures of them actually on the car as my phone was low battery and all photos would have been grainy. I did adjust them to be 575/570mm, sprayed in some ACF 50 and fitted a pair of motamec covers that I bought to protect the threads after seeing how good they were on @Dr Jekyll's car.

I left the rears as the Bilsteins use a strange m9x1 top nut, which is different to the standard ones on the car! I'll be ordering some new nuts (when I can find some) then fitting the rears. Genuinely can't wait as the drive has been transformed now with the bilsteins just on the front! They're so much nicer than the knackered old shocks and cooksports, just absorbing any bumps in the road but still keeping the car planted. Steering also feels lighter (mainly noticed when parking, which is nice), but as @Niall said, this could be down to the castor/tracking being all over the place! I'll be getting it all tracked once I have my new bearings pressed in and black series wishbone bushes fitted.

I woke up to snow this morning, but having seen all the salt on my front bumper the night before I had to give it a wash! Excuse the mad camber and rake, but this will soon be sorted.

20180121_122742 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180121_122749 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180121_122757(0) by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180121_122805 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180121_122704 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180121_122728 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I also fitted my freshly painted centre caps after giving the inside of the disc a quick lick of paint.

20180121_122823(0) by Louis Walker, on Flickr

On the milltek front, i'm still in need of sorting out the manifold flange as it's blowing a fair bit. Mainly noticed with a full car and the engine under load! It also needs adjusting at the back... maybe a job for the warmer days 😂

20180121_122857 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20180121_122905 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I'll be getting the rears fitted soon, then sorting out the camber and then adjusting all the height so it's bang on. :smile::smile::smile:
  Clio RS
  Clio RS
So there are spacers outside and inside. Each Bolt has one?

I have to reinstall my seats and im not shure if there are also spacers in the two (4) holes in midle of the car for both seats.

Sorry for the question.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
So there are spacers outside and inside. Each Bolt has one?

I have to reinstall my seats and im not shure if there are also spacers in the two (4) holes in midle of the car for both seats.

Sorry for the question.
Yeah spacers inside and outside of each seat. 4 per seat.
