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Blackberry help!!

  Astra VXR & Smart CDi
Girlfriend has just returned home with a Blackberry Bold?!?

Is there a way of downloading tv programmes to it so that she can watch them on the train on her way to work?

We have an imac at home so can the blackberry be connected to this to sync music etc through itunes?? (I'm a iphone man myself so no idea about blackberry)

Any other Blackberry related tips would be good

  Bus w**ker
TV idea. You could always download and convert to mp4 and stick them on the memory card, avi might work but TBH I've never tried.

Download Media Sync ( and you can then sync the BB to iTunes (apparently) .

Tips, errrm update it to the latest leaked OS ( and read the guides on there as I can't think of owt lol.
