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Bonnet issue

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
Hello all,

I have an issue with the bonnet not sitting flush when closed.

The release leaver in the passenger footwell doesn't feel smooth anymore, When I close the bonnet it sits above the grill and wings, probably around 5-10mm or so.
I have wound down the little adjusters on the wing tops and this has not solved the problem.
The catch certainly feels like its engaged securely but I cannot get the bonnet to sit flush.

Any ideas???

I also believe this may be causing the issue I have with starting the car. I think that when the alarm beeps upon locking is because of the bonnet not registering that its closed. This seems to then kick in the immobiliser upon re-entry.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.




ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
I don't have the answer to your problem , but if the bonnets about 5 - 10mm proud of the wings it doesn't sound like the bonnet catch is engaging properly . There was a big recall on 1*2's for this very reason , the bonnet could fly open at anytime and basically wreck your car if it hits the roof and windscreen . First thing i would do is douse both catches with WD40 , and keep operating the lever to se if it frees it up any . Secondly i would ring Renault UK 0800 0933 276 and see if your car has been recalled . They were doing checks at dealerships and also replacing the catches free of charge if a car hadn't been previously been recalled . If it has been recalled sometime in the past i think there was a charge of £90 , that's off the top of my head .
