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Bora Whoring..


ClioSport Club Member
Also been offered this interior for £300 which is a bargain but not sure im into full leather..haha



ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Yeah it will be a 130 I'll be going for. Theres one I want to view today but every fooker is at work! So I'll have to go on my own :(.

Get that interior! DO IT!


ClioSport Club Member
Haha always the way. Not good when it gets dark early now too.. Any plans for this one other than air then?

Yeah im tempted..


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Yeah I just put a deposit down on that bora.

Air, maybe fifteen52 tarmacs in white for the wheels. Then US spec stuff.


ClioSport Club Member
Tempted to sell the old girl for a car i can use on track. If anyone has a 1*2 that wants a fast cruiser pm me...;)


ClioSport Club Member
R32 the bora ;)

And make it slower? ;) Na but tbh i've decided to keep her after much umming and arring.

These came up at a steal of a price -


With the car being red it is a little OTT but they never come up in good condition and in red so i got them bought. A women was selling them so got a steal too..;)


ClioSport Club Member
What the seats? No just the early spec MK4 Gti's. Hold you so much better than the others.

Or if you mean get one insted on the Bora. I would be tempted. Loved me old ATR.


ClioSport Club Member
Well i'm might fighting a losing battle but still trying to make the Bora handle a bit better. Its now fully polybushed, R32 ARB, i have rear ARB on route, adjustable rear shocks..i have now got a S3 strut brace -


Im tempted to buy some Bilsteins for the front rather than my AP's.


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ClioSport Club Member
I offically have a new fav pic of mine taken on the weekend -


and some others -



My mates cousin was testing his new camera.


ClioSport Club Member
Gaz unfortunately it wont happen. The sx hardly ever gets driven..:( Another good one of the SX -Its so mint its a joke.


Yeah i love the Bolf tbh! Just needs more lows as do i but we're both raised for winters.





ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Bolf's look like herpes, only worse and more offensive to talk about.

Gora's however....


ClioSport Club Member
Ive just been offered this back for a cheeeap price.


Still looking good too. I was going to buy a off roader but may buy it back. I'm not sure why but i cant help but think i should.


ClioSport Club Member
It would be pointless really. Maybe whack a big turbo on it.. Just have it as a toy.
I really like Boras for some reason, always said that if I needed to a buy a semi-sensible 4 door car then I'd have one of these. Looks like a tidy example, too.
