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Burpspeed Version 2: Race Car Build

Russ Rallye

ClioSport Club Member
Forgot I hadn't seen this, such a shame about that 200sx being in the way, you had such a good run out of the first chicane on lap 2 just a pitty Ian was in the way or you'd have been passed into the 2nd chicane I think. Couple of hairy moments too, on the grass sideways at shell oils/island PMSL. Really can't wait for next season!
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  182cup & 172 racecar
Yes Russ, I did think? Here we go when I touched the grass, but got away with it. I should have gone for ot at the chicane, but I'd already locked up when he moved over.
That thing was a nightmare, spent more time off the circuit than on.

What was the score with that guy? Heard he bumped into a lot of cars?

Swear I was talking to a chat at the Oulton race meet and said it would be his first race at Donny with that car.

If that's true if gives me hope of passing my ARDS as if they gave him one then they should give everyone a license!
  182cup & 172 racecar
Hit Gareth from nowhere, massive glancing blow and others.
I think hes been banned for next year.
He was coming back onto the circuit without looking in front of people, gravel and grass everywhere.
  182cup & 172 racecar
I would have been well pissed of he had hit me.
Those nissans were bad enough. I met rhem both in a tricky place to pass.
I still can't my head round the nissans! The day before they were doing 1.19's and then they were crawling round in our races and then back out in Britcar the other weekend and quick again haha! I think the car's just didn't take well to not running slicks for once
  182cup & 172 racecar
Could see it happening, don't know why he got up behind the MR2, got to take these chances when you can, but I knew he couldn't get out of that one unless he went down the grass.

Old head ;)
  182cup & 172 racecar
I still can't my head round the nissans! The day before they were doing 1.19's and then they were crawling round in our races and then back out in Britcar the other weekend and quick again haha! I think the car's just didn't take well to not running slicks for once

Different 2 lads driving them on that day, just crawling round to get a signature on their licence, Clerk of the course shouldn't have signed it really.
  182cup & 172 racecar
They are supposed to COMPETE in a race, not drive around at a non competitive pace, dangering themselves and others.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Should be a couple of sec a lap quicker, they were quick at Combe this year. They are all academy lads through PlayStation who drive them.
  Cup In bits
I just finished watching all the races, some good decisive overtakes in the 2nd Donny race.

Do you prefer the the sprint format of FT now or still the TT distance?
  182cup & 172 racecar
Thanks Morgan, overtaking back markers or anybody really, you have to be positive. I think, as long as you show your intent and don't pussy foot around, all is well. It's when you make a halfhearted attempt things get a little messy.

Got used to the sprint format now, it's good fun, plus you get 2-3 goes at it, where as TT distance, you have to pace yourself, and guess where you are in relation to everybody else, as sometimes after pitstops etc, you can find yourself on your own and no cars around for miles,, so you have to keep just banging in laps and hope for the best.

Sprints are much easier on the car and tyres though.

Still one more race to come from Donny, boy it was getting dark, the camera doesn't show it though, but does start to go a little fuzzy towards the end (lack of light).

Oh, and my terrible start, missing a gear ftl.
  Cup In bits
Yeah exactly and if you get yourself a name for being a charger in a series then people tend to just move over and concede quickly.

I do think I'll be more suited to the sprint format too when I get going, you have someone to peg yourself against and for the flag to flag maximum attack which I prefer. I struggle to see how I would make tyres last in TT although I would definitely give it a go giving the amount of seat time you get if your going solo.

Look forward to it, I enjoyed James's race 3 with the dropping light. You guys were lucky to get a race like that as its a different license all together to do night races iirc.
  182cup & 172 racecar
You have to quali in the dark. Like Britcar 24hr, one quali session in daylight and then one in the dark.

It's massively different.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Lol, just held my breath watching that again, cannot describe how slippery it was out there :eek:. See the Pug with the illegal tyres on disappear into the distance, could have made a move on the Scooby a couple of times, but decided I wanted to finish the race, and not end up in the gravel, 3rd would be better than nothing.

By about 12 mins it was dark, couldn't even see the marshal posts. Had to use the handbrake a couple of times coming into the chicane, as fronts locked up and I needed to turn right.

Got a little bump from Jason in the 306 just after the start, but I didn't leave much room, no harm done.

At the end, I wasn't sure the race had finished (couldn't see the chequered flag), but the marshals were frantically waving yellows, reds, infact everything, so that we would see them.

All in all a good weekends racing.

Thanks again to everybody who helps out at these meetings, but esp.

And Jay, who is still with me in the background doing his stuff. Teamwork I call it :D.
