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Burpspeed Version 2: Race Car Build


ClioSport Club Member
  R53 GR86
Good to meet you the other day Tony and thanks for the guided tour round the car , will pinch a few ideas for mine ;)

Was also allowed a sit in it , and it won't need adjusting for me when I get the call :cool:

Good luck for this season I will hopefully get to oulton when you are there.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Good to meet you the other day Tony and thanks for the guided tour round the car , will pinch a few ideas for mine ;)

Was also allowed a sit in it , and it won't need adjusting for me when I get the call :cool:

Good luck for this season I will hopefully get to oulton when you are there.

You did a few miles that day.
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
I've just booked tickets for Brands.

Im presuming if we utter the word 'Burpspeed' to the bloke on the gate he'll usher us into a hospitality suite with beverages and prawn sandwiches......

......or he'll point us towards the best place for a gristly bacon sarnie and tepid tea.
  172 Race Car
Great morning at Mallory yesterday (Wed) Car was faultless and quick!

Doing a proper update soon as spent the rest of the afternoon and evening fiddling with this and that. Theres always something to do.

Big thanks to Fred and Sam from BTM for helping out today and of course our 'Lettuce washer/Livery consultant' Dan for taking some pictures
  172 Race Car
We didnt seam to suffer the same kind of tyre wear as before. We killed the front left in less than 70mins running back in August.

Yesterday we did over 90 mins and tyre wear was ok. Not sure how much of that is down to the track being resurfaced and all the bumps smoothed out and how much is down to the diff
  172 Race Car
27th April 2011 - Mallory Park Test

Today we went along to Mallory Park to do a morning test session. We wanted to make sure the car worked before racing at Brands in 10 days time. It was very, very cold when we arrived but at least it was dry. The day didn't start well as the van was hit by a race transporter while entering the paddock. Only a scuff tho.

Some of the locals came over to have a look at the car and were impressed, well we think they were, they were making positive noises.


We had a list of things to check and had 3x 30 minute sessions during the morning. Tony was in the driving seat again and, looking super sharp in his new race suit, took it gentle for a 5 lap shakedown run as soon as the track opened. A quick check under the bonnet for leaks and a chat about how it all felt. The gearbox was working fine and he could reach the gears much better now we had relocated the sticks neutral position. Last season he had struggled at times with 3rd and 5th gears. His arms are slightly shorter than mine. A quick tyre pressure check and off he went for a quicker run but still taking it steady and building up slowly. A best lap time of 56.5 seconds was a good indication that we could improve on our 55seconds lap from last year.


Session over and all was well. Tyre temperatures were looking very decent and the traction and braking (our 2 weak areas) had been massively improved. Pleased already.

Fred and Sam from BTM Performance had turned up to give us a hand and in the next session Tony was told to push on a bit, to see what the car would do. After 3 or 4 laps to warm up and another tyre pressure check he went out to set a decent time. Within 2 laps he was down in to the 54 second bracket and quicker than last year. Another quick pit stop and we made some adjustments to tyre pressures and damper settings to dial out a little oversteer. Tony improved his times again doing a string of 3 quick laps while he had a clear road. 53.8seconds, 53.5seconds and 53.6seconds.


We were pretty happy with that to say the least. The car came back with around 10 litres of fuel in it and had a pretty good balance. So we decided for the 3rd session to make no changes initially and see what effect fuel load would have on the times. So topped it up to around 40 litres, the level we would start a race with.

3rd run and a couple of red flags broke up the session but the fuel load hadn't changed the balance much. Tony could consistently run in the high 53 second bracket with a few around 53.5 seconds as before. Is there a 52 in the car? time will tell. Last year the car could do 55's all day long, now its doing 53's. With a 1.5 second improvement over the quickest lap time. How much of that is the circuit, as it was resurfaced over the winter and a lot of bumps removed, and how much is the car is hard to tell. But the car IS better to drive and our weak areas have been improved upon. Can’t wait for Brands

So we packed up, pretty happy with how things had gone and headed for the chequered flag cafe. Our friends came over for another chat just as we were leaving.


We headed to Burpspeed HQ to give the car a check over and get it ready for Brands

One thing that didn't work properly today was the pit lane speed limiter. We had trouble reading wheel speed at anything over 12kph. A quick call to Matt at Tour-De-Force and the problem was found. We are using a hall effect speed sensor off the stock ABS pickup ring on the left hand driveshaft. It has 44 teeth on it, far too many for the sensor to cope with as it all becomes a blur for it at speed. We had to remove the shaft and Tony got busy with grinders, files and dremel to get it down to 11 teeth.


While he was busy doing that me and photographer Dan finished off a few other jobs, applying the livery and series decals. 1st call Auto Rentals of Gloucester are with us for a second year and we thank them for their support.


It was dark by the time we had finished, yet another early start and late finish. The car still has a few jobs outstanding. The de-mister has a wiring/switch fault that needs looking at but we are now reading wheel speed consistently and the pit limiter is working. An aero catch broke on the bonnet as we were putting the car to bed so we have some work to do at Brands before we get started.

Overall one of our better days tho.....
  172 Race Car
I think its lost a little bit of its unique induction noise now without the aluminium pipe on it to resonate through
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
A good read and an impressive improvement on your times from last year.
Look forward to seeing you both in action at Brands!
  172 Race Car
Its great to be able to just turn up and a track and just run it. were no longer chasing bits breaking, coming loose or falling off. Most of the niggles are solved. Since the last race of 2010 the car has done 4.5 hours of track time without missing a beat. Apart from some small electrical issues that are easily solved.

The reason we ran Tony in the car on Wednesday is that Mallory charge extra for 2nd driver with no more tracktime. Plus we needed a safe pair of hands behind the wheel. Altho I can lap as quick as Tony when I get it right, my lack of experiance means im prone to throwing it off from time to time. Im still learning. See Anglesey where I lost us a podium, Silverstone quali where I nearly rolled the car and the panel damage from Snett. Yea i need the practice to work on my consistancy but we needed to remove vairiables. if the car goes quicker after a change we know its not the driver. It worked brilliantly at Anglesey last year and again this week.
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
I think last year for you guys was essentially a shakedown year. You needed that to iron out the kinks.
No team can arrive in a series and be fast and fully reliable straight out of the box, especially if the budget is tight. God knows Tom and I are trying to make sure we have minimal issues with our car but you can't guarantee anything.

Your car now shows good reliability and combined with the pace that you guys already had from the start, and for you Jay a year of racing under your belt, i'm sure things will only improve over last year.
I'm expecting podiums at least!
  172 Race Car
And we were regualr top 10 qualifiers so thats the least were expecting from you in your first year

probably be no oil left in the world by then tho and it will be solar powered race cars ;)
  Saab 93 Aero Wagon
And we were regualr top 10 qualifiers so thats the least were expecting from you in your first year

probably be no oil left in the world by then tho and it will be solar powered race cars ;)

No pressure then eh Jay? I'll be chuffed if we aren't on back row but really im hoping we can bung it in the top ten...but judging by our karting performance we'll have to carefully consider who starts from the grid.....we know how quickly a top ten grid place can be lost after the first lap..;)

Lack of oil? I'm more worried that we won't have the money in our budget for the hover conversion...
  172 Race Car
Final instructions for next weekend have landed on our door matts, a very strong field as expected for Brands.

27 cars entered, 16 in our class, Half of which are bloody Honda's!!

Late start, quali is at 12:00 and the Race at 17:15

Getting excited now
Fookin' japs! 'let's buy an ex btcc car and see if we can trounce the rest of the field!'

Tards. Should be good :)
