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Burpspeed Version 2: Race Car Build

  LY R27
Good to meet you yesturday, hope to see you in the future when I have my R27 about :)

Sorry if we held you up too much :p
  182cup & 172 racecar
Kerb abuse:eek:

  182 track, Mk7 ST
Had a great day yesterday and I've got to say this thing was flying round, I didn't realise how much quicker it would be than mine (not a balls out track/race car but it doesn't hang around haha) but christ is it lol, it was flying past me! The sound is immense too...oh and I feature in a couple of videos haha :race:

Need to ask you a couple of questions about what we spoke about yesterday Tony but I'll PM you to save clogging this up :)
  182 track, Mk7 ST
Cheers Jay, means alot that race drivers give comments like that :) I managed to blag a free instructor session too as they cancelled my original trackday but he said i was doing quite well already but really helped tidy up and even teach me some new and useful lines. Just wish I'd have got my track wheels and tyres on but there's always next time. Was good to meet you briefly yesterday too.

I'll have a look at the in car when you put it up, got some of you guys too...always for a short period while you blasted past but still haha! Tony seemed pretty pleased that you got all you needed from the day when I spoke to him just before you were leaving.
  172 Race Car
Yes we did what we went for. As usual the car just runs and runs so we can get a feel for setup changes. We had to do very little in fact, the car was close to where we wanted it straight out the box. No bad considering we rebuilt the thing completely. Be good to see your in car vids.
Think me and Tony got 1 totally clear lap each, going to get our videos sorted later
  182 track, Mk7 ST
That's good to hear then, seems Danny did a good job with the engine too.

I think I got a couple in towards the end but there were alot of things in the way/ yielding place etc but it wasn't as bad as a couple of weeks ago, it was alot better organised than the day I was meant to do so glad about that and the weather was spot on.

Was running on Parada Spec 2s and they were really dying after 10-15 minutes of abuse, kept on top of the pressures throughout the day but they weren't brilliant although not bad at the same time for what they are.
  Golf GTD Mk7
Noticed the white line went Jay. Told you it would disappear fast ;) car looked brilliant in the vids. Any on board ones?
  182 track, Mk7 ST
We were on PE2's early on but they were shreading to bits. Lol. Was a warm day for road tyres

Yeah I can imagine they were, mine were too although I was pushing hard but like you said was very warm, especially for something as soft as the spec 2s
  172 Race Car
Noticed the white line went Jay. Told you it would disappear fast ;) car looked brilliant in the vids. Any on board ones?
Still surprised it went so quick. Wish i had 10 of them tbh. Ive got about 55 laps of footage to go through, should get to it tonight.

It is mega fast, we had to drive differently. Where before we could nail thr throttle, we had to be more progressive as the torque just lit the fronts up and it washed wide. Coming down the hill exiting druids it was like a missle. Biggest surprise was on slowing down laps. In 4th gear low revs, it pulls like your in 2nd. Lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Car looked great yesterday chaps and sounded awesome! Was nice saying hello, Hope you guys have a good season. I will be at Brands for the second round :)

Here are some shots I got yesterday, I am just sorting through them I will post any others up later.



  Evo 5 RS
Whatever Dan's done to that it sounds really free revving tbh. A lot more like how a high powered NA car should sound like...I'd be well chuffed. Do you guys run the standard clutch?
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  182 track, Mk7 ST
That video proves my point exactly lol! Damn it although I did get held up after you passed me :p who was driving then? I did see whoever wave and I waved back but couldnt tell haha
  172 Race Car
Having a mare trying to upload the video. Youtube took 4 hours last night then failed. :dapprove: Trying again at lower res
Congrats guys. Looking forward to seeing it race this season!

Picking my car up with spunky new engine as well. Very excited :)
  172 Race Car
Done :approve:

Tony had one clear lap, I managed three. Plenty of time left on the table for when we go back in May

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  Audi A3 TDI 170 B.E.
Great footage and sounds nice!
Can I be on the list for passenger ride when you put seat in? Lol
and have you got old footage from last year and put them side by side to see any difference! - just a thought.
Cool thanks!!! will give it a go!

I have AIM datalogger and Smartycam... and 3 Gopros and a Contour

Sadly I am all the gear... and NO IDEA!

would love to be able to blend the videos like that.

Is it easy?
  172 Race Car
Its not too hard, can take some time to sync them up. Has to be done as the car moves off really. Doing that video i had it all ready and watched it one last time. The rear camera just didnt look right so had to sync it again. Can have as many cameras as you want on screen. The Race Render website is quite good and you should be fine with it
