i just think the game is a bit crap tbh. LOL will prob still play it. Really don't get the MW3 hate. it is frustrating, but then what FPS is not? I really enjoyed MW3 playing with alymac and stava. Comedy gold!
Just found MW2 ans MW3 so much more satisfying and playable than Blops2 so far.
I just find it frustrating when you consistently get picked as host, and you consistently get smashed because you are half a second behind everyone else. It's tres gay.
an easy way to find out, leave the game. it will instantly migrate host.
domination on plaza is epic
I only ever play DOM now.
Whats people's PSN tags?
Mines P-I-N-T
How'd you know if you're host??
ive played it a bit.. Still dont beat MW2 tbh.. *best one imo*
ive played it a bit.. Still dont beat MW2 tbh.. *best one imo*
Hmm. Liked it earlier, not so much now. Still better than MW3 (IMO).
I suck ass and I like it.
I am laughing at the usual suspects posting in here complaining about it, just like every other COD game since MW.
Calm down Kevin, I'm not saying everyone should love it - everyone will have a different opinion and that's all good. I do find it funny that people that have hated so much of the franchise still go out, waste their money on a game they know they're going to hate and then go on about how much they hate it lol.
BLOPS was the best laugh for me mostly for Sticks and Stones, haven't had time to see if that's even included in BLOPS 2.
Calm down Kevin, I'm not saying everyone should love it - everyone will have a different opinion and that's all good. I do find it funny that people that have hated so much of the franchise still go out, waste their money on a game they know they're going to hate and then go on about how much they hate it lol.
BLOPS was the best laugh for me mostly for Sticks and Stones, haven't had time to see if that's even included in BLOPS 2.
If you want it on ps3 pm me and you can buy my copy?
Like all games they need to get the feedback from the community before they can change things, im sure they will bring out a wonder patch and all will be ok. If anyones reading this thats considering getting it but won't because of a few bad reviews, my advice is buy it and try it for yourself. I didn't like MW3 but think this is much more fun.