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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
I'm not a fan of COD multiplayer but I'm too awesome at it so tend to play now and again. I think I was just born to play FPS's.


ClioSport Club Member
Just got my copy from "Best Buy" for £29.99. No que. Awesome.

Is the single player any longer than the other cods?


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Not touched single player yet but Multiplayers great, some of the maps are awesome.

Whats peoples fave gun? Mines the CM901 just a really good gun to use.
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
Anyone know what the SP campaign is like? I don't give a flying rat's ass about the playground-mentality online s**t.

The COD campaigns have always been good so far. Is this any different?


Best yet. They should make a movie of this one! Serious!
  Audi TT 225 Quattro
good old shopto/tnt:D Jesus the Hardened edition box is massive , gonna have to rearrange the games cabinet to get it to fit...
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
s**t thread has turned s**t.

I don't really care whose arrived from who for how much, or how cross you are with the postman. Isn't this thread about the game, not the best and worst places to buy games from.

I think it is great so far, haven't done much single player apart form the first mission.

Multiplayer feels fresh and new. I like the way the weapons level themselves up and reward you for sticking with a gun. I also like the way they feel, the recoil is quite manageable, but also not laser-esque like MW2. Nice smallish maps too, no Array's or Derail's.
  Audi TT 225 Quattro
Well after 20 mins ive played 1 game of td which was brilliant , then tried going into 5 others which all come back with timed out server or some crap like that:mad:
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
How about trying another gamemode instead of whining about it on the internet?

It is still the first 24 hours, there are bound to be issues for the first week or so. All the people complaining saying it is the same old s**t are obviously retarded.
  Audi TT 225 Quattro
How about trying another gamemode instead of whining about it on the internet?

It is still the first 24 hours, there are bound to be issues for the first week or so. All the people complaining saying it is the same old s**t are obviously retarded.

Didn't want to try the others as i wanted to play td , id imagine that if its have network issues it will affect the whole thing not just single game modes. anyway it worked after i posted that and just had another good game, feels much better than mw2, feels like they have slowed the pace a little which is a good thing :)

All cod's have been dodgy in the 1st few weeks, i think it was the 1st mw that went offline for a week or so due to network issues... few updates and they are perfect:p
So.....general consensus from those who've got it?

I've had mates saying it's terrible online; although it might just be them.

Not that bothered about getting it yet/at all; Nathan Drake's in my slot for now. Although that might change if I become bored shitless when I'm off work next week.
  Renault Clio 1.2 16v
Notice how there was a beta of bf3 and thats been pretty much spot on since been released? But when it comes to mw3 they want to keep everything underwraps so you end up with an unfinished game until after a month....
  White APE
Anyone else finding it ridiculously easy to die online?

Has anyone else got the hardened edition and worked out how to get the elite camo, symbols etc?
  Fabia VRS
i like it!
Campaign is pretty epic
Online is good, decent maps (could be better not alot of sniping imo)
