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Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Looks great. Fingers crossed it doesn’t have any unrealistic, running on walls, jumping 50metres into the sky etc.

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ClioSport Club Member
Agreed, I’ve not bought a COD game since Black Ops 2. I’m liking the look of this one though.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Does look good but then trailers always do. Hopefully a good one player campaign as I don't play online any more.


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
I finished Black Ops 2 again recently and then went into the third one, completely ruined for me.

Hopefully this game is a proper reboot of the MW games, the original three were brilliant.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Hopefully not


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Yeah addicted to black out lol

Managed to be in the same lobby as other lads we play with now and again. Very weird.
I really hope as the OP mentioned that this takes away all the s**t liek wall running, flying, triple jump vaulting and all sorts of extras that started to make the games a bit pants.


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
Looks decent so we shall see. Only this week just started playing Bo4 after getting it when it came out. Got to get my money's worth lol.
Free Alpha test this weekend on five 2vs2 maps. PS4 only.

MW will include cross play over all platforms!

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Feels alright. Can’t really play it for more than an hour, gets mega boring.
Can't believe people were camping already waiting to capture the flag if the game was a tie.

FFS people its a 2 day alpha where your stats mean s**t. Play the damn game you stupid idiots.

The amount of times I shot people hiding under the bridge!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Punto HGT Abarth
Had a go with a mate Sunday night, was decent to be fair. Sounds/animations stood out.
Well I am on to night 2 of playing. Was pretty shocking last night. So out of practice. TTK is high compared to Destiny!

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Already deleted the open beta. Thought it was pretty awful. Mind you, hardly surprising, given how bad the last 3/4 COD titles have been.


ClioSport Club Member
I tried the beta and didn't really enjoy it tbh. Maybe would take a bit more time to get into as I didn't give it much of a chance tbf.

COD lost its touch a long time ago.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Had some decent games last night but still think the game is utter rubbish. Tried ground war but it was a complete mess. Cod trying to be battlefield just does not work.


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
I haven’t played cod online since ghosts came out and I hated that.

I’ve been enjoying this one so will be buying it when it’s released.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Gave it another go this morning. Managed a full team wipe on cyber attack with the model 680. Even a couple of those kills should have been 1 pump kills not

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Anyone got it? My day off at work has fallen on the release date, just waiting on it to be delivered by the postie!


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
I’ve had it preloaded on the pc for a couple of days, will have a go on it tonight.


ClioSport Club Member
Played it at midnight for a couple hours, single player only which is the main reason I bought it.

First cod since mw3 I've bought and its good, feels the most realistic so far, weapon handling etc

One of thr first missions you do has you assaulting a house in Camden at night and it's one or thr most immersive things I've played in a long time.

Guessing multilayer is gin a be much of the usual COD but I hope its more like the original


ClioSport Club Member
Graphics and cutscenes do look incredible even on my old original Xbox one, characters actually seem real

Only downside was the size of the download, like 100gb worth!

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Graphics and cutscenes do look incredible even on my old original Xbox one, characters actually seem real

Only downside was the size of the download, like 100gb worth!
Sounds good mate. I havent played a campaign since cod 4, might have to give it a go!
