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Cambelt tensioning with keyed Crankshaft Pulley Clio 182

  Clio 182
Hi everyone,

I am currentlty changing the timingbelt on my 182 and decided to swap the crankpulley for the keyed one. Now I have the problem, that following the standard guide I am not able to get the tension right and distribute the tension even on the belt. Is it possible to go past the 12'o clock position or do I have to live with the tensioner not alligned. I would be very greatfull for a few useful tips. Thanks!
  Clio 182
I stopped counting how many turns I did. I tensioned the Belt with both Cam Pulleys loose and even then I am not close to the marks on the tensioner. At 12 o clock position I torque the tensioner and both cam pulleys. After that I can turn it via the Exhaustcam or the Crankshaftnut and the Tensioner is not alligning, doesnt matter what position I re-adjust it.


ClioSport Club Member
You should not be rotating it by exhaust cam, crank only.

Do it as per megane rs/workshop manual.

Rotate the crankshaft clockwise through two revolutions at the timing end, pin crank before end of 2nd revolution. Reset tensioner if necessary.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
As Brigsy said, turn by the crank.

When you say 12 o'clock position, there's no 'fixed' position it should end up. However they mostly tend to sit around the 2 o'clock position.

You want to go off the marks on the tensioner, don't get fixated on where the tab ends up.
  Clio 182
alright thank you guys! I just read in a different thread here that if you use the keyed Pulley its important that the tensionier must not be past the exhaust stud so that would not even be 12 o clock. And that was pretty confusing because when I put the standard crank pulley in, I also get the alligment at about 2 o clock like you said.
  Clio 182
so I tensioned the belt like you guys suggested and the tensionermark is spot on and not moving at all during engine run.

But after warming the engine up the dephaser (also replaced ) starts to do a terrible ratteling / whining noise between idle and 1900rpm. Can someone tell me if that’s normal or what can potentially cause this?

