OK - what to expect, is it worth it, what should the upgrade be helped with. (a chip of course...?)
here is what catcams offer to F7P/R : range SPORT... http://www.catcams.be/renault/PN55022xx.htmhttp://www.catcams.be/renault/PN55022xx.htm
I want to stay hydro, and a want cam that would give power, but at a time one that would not make low-range, and idle a horror - in regular town-driving. what power bands to expect...
as I see here are piper cams that would give 18 bhp:
If you compare two Piper Cams with each other for the 16v and Williams it looks very similar, everything except the lift eg. Piper 285
Power band Power Duration Valve lift Timing Full lift
16v 2500-7300 18bhp 276/276 10.87/10.87 32-64/64-32 106/106
Willy 2500-7300 18bhp 276/276 11.38/10.87 32-64/64-32 106/106
how is the comparison between them, and catcams from sport section?
Im new to the topic "cams" so well... PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME?