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Cheapest graphics card that does 3 monitors


ClioSport Moderator
My work computer was left on for a few days and when I came in this morning the screen output is all corrupted. There is green lines all over the place and even when booting up the Dell post screen/bios is corrupted where any ascii text is jumbled. When it boots into windows its running 640x480 in 8 colours or somehting. Was really hard today as I had to muddle through the day with it like that. Its a shame but I think I just need to get a replacement.
Now the kicker is the computer is out of warranty so the company would replace the whole PC for a s**t one which will only have one output. The one I have rocks, its a super quick Dell T3500 with a couple of Xeons and raid array and a broken nvidia quadro 2000. Would rather keep that PC even if it means shelling out for a new card from my own pocket.

Its not for games , just your usual windows , internet, email that kind of stuff.
Is anyone here clued up on hardware like graphics cards and can recommend me something for £20 ish. I saw this and it has 3 outputs but dont know if you can use all of them at the same time.

Or if anyone has some old card they dont need and wants a few beer tokens. Serious anything as long as it has a few outputs.


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
I really don't know a resolution but set up my dual screen at work the other day and used a splitter on the back of the graphics card. Maybe you could do something similar. The UI recognised there were 2 screens so it didn't just split the resolution and the screens were different sizes.


ClioSport Moderator
Yeah got a couple of the display port to DVI adapters. That card looks good but think its only 2 monitors - 1 port is hdmi which my monitors dont have.


ClioSport Club Member
What model of Dell pc is it? We may have spares in work from machines we break for parts.
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