Quote: Originally posted by 172man on 17 April 2003
Round a track a Cup will beat a 172 with little hassle if drivers are of similar skill, in a straight line even if the 172 gets on the power first the Cup will still come passed. If floored at same time Cup will pull passed 172 with not much hassle. FACT. BUT thats not to take anything away from the 172 as its a very fast and good handling car one of the best hot hatches out. After all the Cup is a 172 - 90 kg and uprated suspension so for Cup drivers to sl*g it is a bit silly.
all these CUP drivers talk a good fight
the best bit is the little hassle bit ahahaah.
i mean i saw some vid clip of a 172 doing well against a subaru does that mean according to neil cup that the Cup will pull away from a scooby.