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Chips away in Edinburgh / Fife area

  A well built VW
My b@stard of a wife decided to scrape my back bumper along a concrete pillar so now i need someone from Edinburgh / fife area that can fix the damaged area its not too bad maybe an inch wide and 7 inch long

Someone posted on here a wee while ago but i cant find them in the search

  Renault Clio Campus 1.2
The Big Yin said:
My b@stard of a wife decided to scrape my back bumper along a concrete pillar so now i need someone from Edinburgh / fife area that can fix the damaged area its not too bad maybe an inch wide and 7 inch long

Someone posted on here a wee while ago but i cant find them in the search


your fault for having a wife! :D

kiddin on mate, sorry cant help
  BMW 320d SE
Search for chips away's website and there's a section in there where they get your local guy to call you - that's how I did it.
  A well built VW
Yeah but i have heard some scary stories about them and i want a recomendation from someone as i said above someone had a cracking job done for something similar but i cant remember if it was chips away or someone similar

It was someone with a 172 that had scuffed the front bumper down through the paint to the black plastic and it was a silver colour ARGGHHH wis i had kept the number
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