Clio 172
Its a nice write up. Will certainly help a few new/younger members who like this sort of thing and want to do a similar mod! Us older lot have been there, done that and lost the power thought! haha. I dont think people are ACTUALLY n00b bashing just pointing out that the power would be better used low down for a road car.
Remember Renault have got significantly more money and better trained engineers that 99.9% of the people on this forum who modify their cars, you need to think that if they thought the power would be better suited up top on a road car and it was as simple as relocating the air box...they would have done it!
Remember Renault have got significantly more money and better trained engineers that 99.9% of the people on this forum who modify their cars, you need to think that if they thought the power would be better suited up top on a road car and it was as simple as relocating the air box...they would have done it!