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Clio 200 v's 182 Cup - 5th GEAR

Ooooft. I wouldn't like to think that was my 182 ragging round there! I think I'll watch it just for that TBH.
  Titanium 182
I would love them to drive my car round there track :D
(As long as they didn't try and do a jump in it :eek:)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
197 vs 200? Better comparison?

Then again it's 5th gear.
  Trophy #490
Pffft, if they're are going to do it right, at least get the pinnacle of the last generation to compete - the Trophy of course and not the runt of the litter! ;)

Should be good though, it's quite a short and twisty circuit that they use isn't it so it'll be good to see the difference a few years of development makes.
  M2 Competition
Ooooft. I wouldn't like to think that was my 182 ragging round there! I think I'll watch it just for that TBH.

You havnt seen how Tony drives it...

Looks like a great day mate, did you get a chance at a head to head with Plato? ;)
  182cup & 172 racecar
No Dan as he was either busy filming in the other car and couldn't have both out on track at the same time but we still had a good rag around later on the QT as the sun was setting.
Should be a good watch to see the out come.

Gotta start placing bets.. I reckon 200 will win by the most 2 car lenths to the finish line which is about one second quiker..ish
  Rusty Cup
strangely drawn to this test, in one respect its almost immaterial which wins. People that love the 200 will continue to love the 200 and people that love the 182.. you get my point.

If the 200 loses its bad news if you ask me, if it doesnt have performance on its side what does it have :D

as both will be in standard form i think the 182's lackadaisical throttle response maybe its undoing in this test.
  GW Clio 200
I had a Trophy and Im picking up my 200 tomorrow, so Im hoping that the 200 is the victor...

Although Tony Hunter says " I know the result and also the real result ", so what the hell does that mean.. If the 200 loses, is that not the real result, then Ill be happy again.. if the 182 wins, will that make me happy because thats not the real result.. the 200 wins.. happy again.. Im spinning this my way no matter the outcome :)

The 200 wins!!
  clio 172 cup
I had a Trophy and Im picking up my 200 tomorrow, so Im hoping that the 200 is the victor...

Although Tony Hunter says " I know the result and also the real result ", so what the hell does that mean.. If the 200 loses, is that not the real result, then Ill be happy again.. if the 182 wins, will that make me happy because thats not the real result.. the 200 wins.. happy again.. Im spinning this my way no matter the outcome :)

The 200 wins!!

the 182 wins so they changed it make it look like the 200 won?
  GTD, Lupo
the 182 wins so they changed it make it look like the 200 won?

I think what Tony means by what he said is the fact the 200 does win the race, but im guessing plato is saying the 182 is the better car to drive (more fun). Might be totally wrong but thats what i got from what he was writing :D.

  182cup & 172 racecar
Its all scripted beforehand,so when you see the result you will know what I mean.

But there was not much in it anyway,but be quite honest the cars are so different it does not really matter as the 200 was a great drive esp on the limit just lacks that "feel" still.
Cant wait for the banter after this, every argument in the book is going to be rolled out - even though in reality it's absolutely irrelevant! I'm sure driving style, the 200 being tight (win or lose) and of course the all important cosmetic concerns to be rolled out on CS ;)

On the plus side, I'm guessing the competition next week will be for a mint 182 or something along those lines.
