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Clio 200 v's 182 Cup - 5th GEAR

I think they've got it right comparing the 182 Cup with the 200 Cup. The 197Cup is too similar a car to the 200 under the skin, plus the 182 is the last of the old school hot hatches, hence old vs new. The 200 will win as it is a better all round car in todays market and likely to be faster than the 182 and will be the prize in the next "competition".
  White clique
i think the 182 cup was meant to be faster round a track than the trophy, so the new 200 must be the ultimate track clio IMO.
  ITB'd MK1
interesting. They fell in the usual power figures trap but that's expected.

Liking the crash feature they're doing now. That's where i used to work :)


ClioSport Club Member
Would have got more information if I'd have shoved my fingers up my arse.

What a crock of sh*t fitch gear is.
A factor to consider like I said when watching it is the 182 is well run in and the 200 will only have a few miles on it and everybody seems to comment on how mileage makes the F4R engine come alive and loosen up.

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
A factor to consider like I said when watching it is the 182 is well run in and the 200 will only have a few miles on it and everybody seems to comment on how mileage makes the F4R engine come alive and loosen up.

Good point!
That's why im gonna wait a year ;)
what a poor article on 200 v 182 that 5th gear produced. hardly worth the watch at all. compare topgear rs focus v megane r26r! shame on 5th gear!
  Liquid Yellow 182 FF
what a poor article on 200 v 182 that 5th gear produced. hardly worth the watch at all. compare topgear rs focus v megane r26r! shame on 5th gear!

+1 5thGear is s**t tbh, only watched it because the Clio's were on, but it was hardly worth the watch.
If you owned Renault would you have an old car beat your new one?
maybe / maybe not...but from an independent television channel / programme, I would at least expect a fair review / test rather than fiddling things for renault's and / or view consumption. if it was a fix...then that is even more disgraceful of 5th gear!
  White clique
A factor to consider like I said when watching it is the 182 is well run in and the 200 will only have a few miles on it and everybody seems to comment on how mileage makes the F4R engine come alive and loosen up.

This is true i got rid of my 197 with 14k miles and it was only just starting to get lively!!

I dont think there is any conspiracy behind it, i've had 172, 182, 197 OK not 200 but i felt what many 197 owners feel which is they are every bit as quick as the 182's. With the cup set up and 200 engine its no surprise to me it clocked a better time than the 182. Sorry Tony, just being honest!
  182 Cup
If you owned Renault would you have an old car beat your new one?

Have you been sworn to secrecy then Tony? After all, you were there, can't you just come out and say if it was fair or not?

The 182 was faster at the first timing point, not often you see a car do that and then fall behind.
