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CLIO IV RS - Trophy from page 111

  Clio 200
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Whether it can still satisfy the Renault Sport purists is a different question, however.

Enough said.


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

It will, it'll be a superb drive, of that I can be sure. Personally i think it looks ace. OK for me its a shame its 5 door only, but i think it adds some front end aggression missing from the mk3, 200 especially


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

i prefer the looks of the GT
  Clio 200
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

It will, it'll be a superb drive, of that I can be sure. Personally i think it looks ace. OK for me its a shame its 5 door only, but i think it adds some front end aggression missing from the mk3, 200 especially
It already hasn't IMHO.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Whether it can still satisfy the Renault Sport purists is a different question, however.

Enough said.

That is pretty much the ONLY even slightly negative comment amongst several hundred words, and you say enough said without ever having seen one let alone driven one. are a lost cause, go and buy a Fiesta, I'm sure you'll be very happy.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Nonetheless, on the whole, the Renault Clio RS is the ultimate hot hatch for its segment – it’s as simple as that. No other car can match it for performance, style, elegance and purity.

yeah sounds well s**t. LOL just LOL.

Unlucky whingers! PMSL!


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

I love 5 door cars, 3 doors piss me off tbh.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Knew i've seen those wheels before!



ClioSport Club Member
  T5, Ariel Atom 300
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Sounds superb tbh from that review...

Awaits the lap time record sub forum with all that RS monitor stuff lol!


its pretty cool for all those track addicts being able to upload all there times and stats... Real life forza competitiveness

Will they be offering track day season passes as a package ? That would be great. I know they have done free Renault sport track days in past but this new tech will make it even more tempting...
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  Rusty Cup
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Im warming to the looks. Dont care for the ever increasing wheel size or extra doors but slammed on some decent wheels i bet it will look amazing. Will definitely be test driving one.
  Fiesta ST200
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Looks like awesome fun if you ask me. Cant wait to drive one.
  clio diesel
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Actual fcuking LOLLYPOPS at putting the 2.5l into the Clio.

If you actually read my post i was talking about the fiesta. Ford wont do this, but i bet in a years time plenty of people will have done it themselves.
  clio diesel
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Does anyone beyond the paper shuffling chimps in Brussels actually care about emissions or CO2? I cant say that it is within the top 45,000 thing on my mind at the moment. When the EU implodes in a few years time, will we get proper engines again?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Does anyone beyond the paper shuffling chimps in Brussels actually care about emissions or CO2? I cant say that it is within the top 45,000 thing on my mind at the moment. When the EU implodes in a few years time, will we get proper engines again?

No, manufacturers have seen how efficient small turbo charged engines are and what sells more cars? (apart from looks)economics
  clio diesel
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

No, manufacturers have seen how efficient small turbo charged engines are and what sells more cars? (apart from looks)economics

Strange that my 20 year old williams has a better mpg than the clio 4 then?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Strange that my 20 year old williams has a better mpg than the clio 4 then?

Your 20 year old Williams will be on the ramps a lot more than a Clio 4 will be though.

and economy isn't just mpg, its overall cost of running, the impact in the environment etc. etc.
  Clio 200
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

That is pretty much the ONLY even slightly negative comment amongst several hundred words, and you say enough said without ever having seen one let alone driven one. are a lost cause, go and buy a Fiesta, I'm sure you'll be very happy.



ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Strange that my 20 year old williams has a better mpg than the clio 4 then?

And thats mainly because your 20 year old Williams weighs less as cars are built a bit stronger than a bean can these days. Lol


ClioSport Club Member
  ST3 8.5
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Wonder if we will see this on the £200 per month deal ;)
  Clio 172 RS2
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Some dimension wise overlays.:
(rearbumper aligned, rearwheel centerlined, wheelbolts sized)

172 v 2013

200 v 2013


ClioSport Club Member
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Strange that my 20 year old williams has a better mpg than the clio 4 then?

Your 20 year old Williams would likely crumble to dust in an impact that would leave the passenger compartment of the newer Clio intact and probably still with functioning doors.

Any other ludicrous comparisons to make?????
  182 cup
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Ralphizzle the first comparison looks good vs 172 but I thought that it was lower than the current 200 is this not right?
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ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

lower as in roof line imo, and as the overlays back up.
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

I actually think it would look better with rear door handles. Trying to create the illusion that it's a 3-door fails, because the front door is too short (naturally). IMO it looks odd. Rear door handles would balance it better IMO. As it is, it sometimes looks very slab sided, with a tiny front door. This clearly something that the sculpted plastic trims on the lower body are trying to mask. I don't think a car should need those tricks in order for its shape to look good. But anyway that's just my opinion. And a little bit of fact also.

Pretty promising review though. Although it does seem like one of those 'road tests' that you could write without ever having driven the car (should go down well on here then lol). Personally I still think it looks a bit rubbish, but I shall reserve final judgement until I see one for real. Not that I intend to consider buying one. Too slow.
  182 cup
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

lower as in roof line imo, and as the overlays back up.
It actually doesn't that's why my comment is there, new car is lower and wider than outgoing one but the overlay shows it to be about 100mm bigger?
  An orange one
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

I actually think it would look better with rear door handles. Trying to create the illusion that it's a 3-door fails, because the front door is too short (naturally). IMO it looks odd. Rear door handles would balance it better IMO. As it is, it sometimes looks very slab sided, with a tiny front door. This clearly something that the sculpted plastic trims on the lower body are trying to mask. I don't think a car should need those tricks in order for its shape to look good. But anyway that's just my opinion. And a little bit of fact also.

Pretty promising review though. Although it does seem like one of those 'road tests' that you could write without ever having driven the car (should go down well on here then lol). Personally I still think it looks a bit rubbish, but I shall reserve final judgement until I see one for real. Not that I intend to consider buying one. Too slow.

Agree 100% on the hidden handles, it just doesn't work... It's a 5 door FFS give it rear door handles instead of being embarrassed about it
  182 cup
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

The traction and understeer are the only things that concern me but looking at the outside conditions (couple of inches of snow) obviously still around zero! i'm not surprised he is getting understeer and wheel spin. There are quick laps on youtube in warmer conditions and others in the snow it may even be his footage ive seen. The warmer weather lap there is no wheel spin at any corner on the track but the cold lap the difference between power down out of corners can be up to 15 mtrs difference and he is still getting it spinning up so ill reserve judgement till i get behind the wheel. If i could get one with a LSD id put my money down now even though ill be waiting till the new year in Australia to get one i'm told. The gearbox and turbo engine are both bonuses for me. Ever driven the new Megane rs 265 ! enough said on renault and turbo motors i think.

Warm lap;

Cold lap;

The poster of this cold lap is the same guys that have done this above sub-titled review and as you can see there is a lot of difference between the 2

  Defender 110
Re: CLIO IV RS for 2013, Last news - NEW DETAILS #1779

Judging by them changing the brakes, I don't think the standards are up to it.

first car they've changed from using standards?
