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CLIO IV RS - Trophy from page 111

  Astra (H) VXR
Hahaha nope just a 4k debt. It was my own fault, bad driving, showing off In front of a girl, 19, 200bhp golf GTi turbo. Road works, gravel mound, big air, nice wall.. You get the gist.. Both of us walked away unharmed.


ClioSport Club Member
  Superleggera'd Bean
Hahaha nope just a 4k debt. It was my own fault, bad driving, showing off In front of a girl, 19, 200bhp golf GTi turbo. Road works, gravel mound, big air, nice wall.. You get the gist.. Both of us walked away unharmed.

LOL (It's ok because you both walked away)

Should of just pulled the handbrake, instagush.
  Astra (H) VXR
I know, worst thing was I avoided going down the duel carriage way because I knew I'd speed, so instead I took a main A road and did it anyway... Muppet I was back then..

I thought the dump valve would have blown her nickers off


ClioSport Club Member
Arent you already paying £800 a month for your twingo lol.

Surely adding 200 turbo finance to your twingo finance that was paying off your 200 finance might be quite expensive no?

haha its paid of in 2 months thank god, assuming a 3 month lead time would give me a month or 2 to stick a resonable deposit on one
  Clio 182
I really like the look of this car both inside and out and really think it broadens the appeal of the clio.

It will be interesting to see if they do an all out 'cup' version rather than just a cup pack and what that brings to the table? Will it just be some recaro's, a spoiler, crazy paint colours and a little less wait or will it be more of a complete overhaul along the the lines of what mini did with the new mk2 cooper s GP (big brakes, increased power, race type suspension etc etc)

It will also be interesting to see how this car fairs against its rivals both in terms of performance and reliability especially that gearbox as something tells me that if it goes wrong there are some big bills waiting in there somewhere (ala BMW E46 SMG style problems/bills).


ClioSport Club Member
Clio 4 RS has panels that can be removed to aid brake cooling apparently. Can't remember exactly where I read this late last night but they're in place for efficiency unless you want to pop them out and get increased airflow to the discs.

Anyone else heard or seen this anywhere? Can't find it now.

Or am I making it up?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Clio 4 RS has panels that can be removed to aid brake cooling apparently. Can't remember exactly where I read this late last night but they're in place for efficiency unless you want to pop them out and get increased airflow to the discs.

Anyone else heard or seen this anywhere? Can't find it now.

Or am I making it up?

Yes and no. It says it on the RS monitor as a piece of advice. The exact wording is:

Track Driving: The spoilers before the front wheel arches, are there to improve the aerodynamics and thus fuel consumption. However, they penalize front brake cooling. If your brakes overheat on the track, remove the spoilers to improve brake cooling.


ClioSport Club Member
Yes and no. It says it on the RS monitor as a piece of advice. The exact wording is:

Track Driving: The spoilers before the front wheel arches, are there to improve the aerodynamics and thus fuel consumption. However, they penalize front brake cooling. If your brakes overheat on the track, remove the spoilers to improve brake cooling.

Ah, that was it, I was watching some spanish dude cycle through and talk about all the monitor options and paused it when all the text came up.

Switchable brake cooling ducts. Who said the 4RS wasn't focused?!

  Audi A3 TDI 170 B.E.
Yep, with the covers in place it sounds like they aren't and they do.

Sh*t brakes as standard...the list of similarities between this and the FRS continues to grow ;)

The 200t is lighter so IMO brembos won't be missed also are the discs larger to make up for this.
Yep, with the covers in place it sounds like they aren't and they do.

Sh*t brakes as standard...the list of similarities between this and the FRS continues to grow ;)

LOL just noticed the additional sentence ;)

I didn't say they were s**t brakes. I was merely suggesting that perhaps Renault feel they'll easily overheat with decent track use? I'm not sure why you feel the need to bring my car into the conversation whenever a potential negative aspect of a Renault is being discussed. Insecurity? ;)

In any case, vents is pretty good news. It means (hopefully) that you'll be able to run some pretty extreme pads without boiling the fluid in the calliper.
Err, sarcasm, LOLs, and friendly banter?

Hence my anti-troll winks, just in case you were trolling.

You're right though, although very capable of stopping the car, the RS brakes are pretty limp, and the callipers are HEAVY. So heavy that I actually noticed improved handling when switching to AP!

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
From Lianne @ RUK

Hi Steve
Unfortunately the manufacturing agreement for right hand drive has not yet been given. Ordering will open Tuesday of next week with first customer deliveries from early July. The brochure & specs will also go live on Tuesday and I will post details of retail customer offers also. Dealers will have their demo & display vehicles from June.
The Renaultsport 200 Lux version is on the configurator now and an updated version of will go live tonight.
Kind Regards

I've just been on the configurator; what the hell happened to £18995? It's £20590. Is this because it's a Lux version and not the 'standard'?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
I've just been on the configurator; what the hell happened to £18995? It's £20590. Is this because it's a Lux version and not the 'standard'?
Fault with the configuartor that can't be fixed locally. It automatically adds lux pack & flame red paint & £1000 + £595.

  RB Clio 182
Ive decided, it dont look aggressive enough for me :(

Theres this plus the manual gearbox and the 5 doors, it just dont sound like my type of hot hatch.

I actually prefere the look of the mk2, i know, madness.

The rs 265 looks way better imo.
