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CLIO IV RS - Trophy from page 111


ClioSport Club Member
He's pointing out that the standard model isn't different enough to the RS model to be able to tell which is which at a glance.

if you don't know that the location of the drls gives away what model it is you'd struggle to know the difference


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
I have saw loads of them about, but i've no idea if any have been a RS model :(


ClioSport Club Member
Well mine is now in production after being ordered back in April delivery date latest.......................20th December and all because I ticked the RS Monitor option.


ClioSport Club Member
Regretting it now as my 182 is buggered and if I'd not checked that option I would have been zipping around in an RS again instead of a Sandero:S


ClioSport Club Member
  T5, Ariel Atom 300
Seen one on the road that wasn't the local demo car yesterday morning. Looked awesome in LY against streetlights at dawn.
Looking forward to what developments they have in store for it in next couple of years
  Fabia VRS & Yeti
According to PistonHeads classifieds Masters Renault of Kent has x 3 in stock with del mileage, LY, GW and black.
0-60 in 4.2 aswell;)


  Clio 197
Mackie Motors in Brechin, Scotland expect a demo car week 6 2014...

They aren't a Renault Sport dealer, but have had RS26R in before and some other cool bits of kit. Sat in a Dynamique and was impressed. LOADS of room in front, back and boot. Looked good too with the options they'd spec'd.

I think we'll get a 200 or 200 just depends on money and how they drive! 200 EDC does strike me as a do everything car. Hoon. Shop. Road trips. Commute. All in one.
  An orange one
This got absolutely mauled on 5th gear last night!

In the second test it was laughable. Tiff getting very angry at the gearbox! JUST GIMME A GEAR!!!!

FFS Renault! :(
This got absolutely mauled on 5th gear last night!

In the second test it was laughable. Tiff getting very angry at the gearbox! JUST GIMME A GEAR!!!!

FFS Renault! :(
I didn't like the fact they only took two cars to the track at the end. I was thinking maybe there weren't allowed and the 2nd test was fixed - he was f**king around for a long time looking for launch control, didn't understand why they had to use it.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I'm DEFINATELY not buying one after the 5th gear review. I want to know I can select 1st easily after my J turn in maccys car park.
  An orange one
I'm a pretty die hard renault fan but I think we can safely say the fiesta has this generation wrapped up! Can't see why anyone wouldn't want one tbh!


ClioSport Club Member
So, test bias and pre-scripted agenda aside, after a bit of a hack about and some intentional stupidity by Tiffany Dell the Renault's dashboard was lit up like a Christmas tree.

That alone makes me happy I'm not in one right now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3

The test was "fiddled". A number of things stood out to me.

1. They didnt use race mode on the 200 during the drag race. This would have surely handed victory in test 1 to the Clio?
2. The whole "Le-Mans" style start (And turn off the electronic police) on the auto test was just there to make the Clio look silly with them knowing fine well that the Clio is very electronic dependant/more advanced.
3. Real world I reckon the ST and Clio should have been the final "shoot-out" cars as the Clio would have won the drag race and the ST the auto test. Ultimately the Clio would have had the best lap time (I think) but the ST would have been "more fun".
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I have to agree with the test/review being pointless.

I've not seen 5th gear for a long time. Tiff has not aged well. He was like my Grandma trying to program the video when trying to engage a gear in the clio.

All the reviews say the clio is good apart from the gearbox, and it looks to me like all the people who've reviewed it are just against that sort of box in a hot hatch and don't give it a fair go.

I think I'll have to test drive the clio and fiesta only way to know really.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
People need to remember how much the buying public take these tests at face value. Literally every source is panning the Clio and mostly because of how good the ST is. The public don't know about rigging tests or anything like that.
IMO, most of the tests are done on tracks.
You don t buy a new clio rs if you just want a track car. Its a car for every day + good for accasional track driving (not braking the lap times:))
Here is a nice review, but its written in czech language, maybe google can translate it:
It talks about almost everything, and the negatives also, which are:

-better response from steering would be fine
-front door handles are from hard plastic, they can squeal when get in touch with legs
-shifting paddles do not move with steering wheel
-a bit delay on accelerator pedal
-not ideal view through the back window (works a little like a lens)

IMO its not so raw like the Clio III RS, and far from 1*2, but i would not mind changing my dci100 and 172 for one new 200 EDC :)
Anyone considers that Fifth Gear's "test" a real test? I get it, it is a show and they didn't want to bother with a car with an automatic gearbox (fair enough) but what did we really learn about the Clio from that episode? That it does 0-62 in 6.8 and that it has an automatic gearbox. That is just about it.
  Audi A3 TDI 170 B.E.
Anyone considers that Fifth Gear's "test" a real test? I get it, it is a show and they didn't want to bother with a car with an automatic gearbox (fair enough) but what did we really learn about the Clio from that episode? That it does 0-62 in 6.8 and that it has an automatic gearbox. That is just about it.

And the last episode with the atom, etc all three went on the clock around the track.

Me thinks the clio would of been faster around the track that's why they dropped it, leaving the st to win overall.
  Fabia VRS & Yeti
230bhp Nismo Juke RS confirmed by EVO this month, I wonder if there will be a higher power 200t as well?


ClioSport Club Member
  T5, Ariel Atom 300
I don't think they've confirmed the 230bhp just that it will be a hotter version ..... They have guessed at 230bhp
I am eagerly awaiting 200+ hp Clio just as a confirmation that the current components (mostly the gearbox) can sustain higher load reliably. (If the power increase is just a software update as many expect.)
  clio diesel
They werent going to eliminate the clio but changed the script because it broke. So they pretended that they were going to eliminate a car after round two.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Surely the power isn't the issue in the Clio?

Please remember manufacturers restrict cars for their own gain. My ST was 150bhp from factory, bare in mind it's a 2.0 petrol, ford could have gone for 200bhp without trying.

It's not always a component issue.
