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Clio Sat Nav - Can it Postcode Search????

  Clio 182 built in Sat Nav

Have got the factory fitted VDO sat nav in my 182 and bought a new 2005/2006 map disc that is supposed to do postcode searches, they guy i bought it off has sent me pics with it using postcodes but it does not have the facility when i try it!! rest of the disk works fine but no postcode ability.

does the clio system allow this?? or do you need to update the operating system or something???


  2.0 175dci rs meggy
you might need a update but being that the clio is a 182 i would of thiought it should have the latest!!!! have you read the manual???
  Clio 182 built in Sat Nav
have not read it but think it just relates to the factory supplied disk which does not have postcode search on it.

