The software on the noise monitoring computer can be set to produce and store an alarm at a pre-determined decibel level recorded by the microphone. Noise mapping studies carried out by specialists in acoustics on behalf of the Company, readings taken by the Company and the adoption of best practice incorporating experience from other similar venues in the UK have led the Company to conclude that a level of 95db recorded by the microphone is the threshold beyond which sound levels at neighbouring locations may give rise to complaint. Consequently, the software is generally set to alert and store any readings above 95db and it is these alerts which prompt action from the Company’s management.
Depending upon climatic conditions and in particular, wind strength and direction, noise from vehicles on the circuit may be audible at neighbouring properties, but not to a level which causes nuisance.
Any vehicle which causes a reading above 95db will be identified and removed from the circuit. The owners will be given the chance to further silence the vehicle but if they are unable to do so, the vehicle will not be allowed back on the circuit. All alarms are recorded by the computer and in addition a manual record is kept of the alarm, the offending vehicle and the action taken by the Company. On certain days , vehicles will be permitted on circuit which will exceed the 95db level and the restrictions imposed upon them are covered at 4.1.3 below.