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CSF24 ClioSport Festival 2024 - Book Tickets Now!


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
Can you say if you've increased numbers this year, at times last year that track was almost completely empty!​

So based on feedback from last year, we cautiously increased numbers this year as follows:

Circuit Limit
CSF 23
CSF 24
International GP (Morning)
Coastal (Afternoon)


The circuit limits are the maximum number of cars allowed on track at any one time.

The increase this year is approximately 40-45%. But the response has been amazing and its sold out already.

Maybe we could go a bit further and open up some more slots, but I don't want people finding it's too busy.

I've been told many public track days use the rule of max cars signed = 2.5 x track limit, which to me is insane. That would be 112 on morning and 90 on afternoon o_O

I'd like to hear your feedback really. We obviously want as many people to get a chance to get on track. Also not being able to go on track will mean not being able to justify attending the event at all for some. But we do want it to be a quality private club track day and not TRAX, so capping the numbers at the correct level is important.


ClioSport Club Member

So based on feedback from last year, we cautiously increased numbers this year as follows:

Circuit Limit
CSF 23
CSF 24
International GP (Morning)
Coastal (Afternoon)


The circuit limits are the maximum number of cars allowed on track at any one time.

The increase this year is approximately 40-45%. But the response has been amazing and its sold out already.

Maybe we could go a bit further and open up some more slots, but I don't want people finding it's too busy.

I've been told many public track days use the rule of max cars signed = 2.5 x track limit, which to me is insane. That would be 112 on morning and 90 on afternoon o_O

I'd like to hear your feedback really. We obviously want as many people to get a chance to get on track. Also not being able to go on track will mean not being able to justify attending the event at all for some. But we do want it to be a quality private club track day and not TRAX, so capping the numbers at the correct level is important.
Crickey. Rock and hard place Nik here I think.

The demand is always going to be up this year as people have known about the event longer and of course I am attending so thats an obvious attraction right there.

I would be tempted to increase the numbers ever so slightly more - perhaps by 5? I still think you will sell them out mind.

What is the return % like at the minute? We are still 4mo out though I guess. Historically has the return % increased the closer you get to the date?

OEM Battery Nonce

ClioSport Club Member
The way I look at it is there's no need to rush into increasing it.

Last year was my first CSF and I went out as passanger in a few cars and was surprised how quiet the track was, so I've bought a car and track time for this year to return and enjoy it myself.

The event was busy last year and likely busier this year regardless, so there's always chance to increases again next year given how successful it looks like it'll be. If it gets increased and people are stuck waiting I can see it being a bit of a deterrent for some to attend.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
How many of the 120 total slots are full day bookings?

If there are quite a high number of full days bookings, then I would potentially look at increasing the sessioned slots by a few.

The full day guys will likely be taking more breaks due to having the whole day to play with, so essentially they're likely to be on track less than someone who is just doing a morning or afternoon slot and trying to maximise their track time.


ClioSport Club Member

So based on feedback from last year, we cautiously increased numbers this year as follows:

Circuit Limit
CSF 23
CSF 24
International GP (Morning)
Coastal (Afternoon)


The circuit limits are the maximum number of cars allowed on track at any one time.

The increase this year is approximately 40-45%. But the response has been amazing and its sold out already.

Maybe we could go a bit further and open up some more slots, but I don't want people finding it's too busy.

I've been told many public track days use the rule of max cars signed = 2.5 x track limit, which to me is insane. That would be 112 on morning and 90 on afternoon o_O

I'd like to hear your feedback really. We obviously want as many people to get a chance to get on track. Also not being able to go on track will mean not being able to justify attending the event at all for some. But we do want it to be a quality private club track day and not TRAX, so capping the numbers at the correct level is important.
I would use 24 as a trial for the increased numbers and if the response is positive increase again for 2025?

I'm sure you could increase both by 5 slots if there is demand here without changing anything much.


ClioSport Club Member
Sorry if this has been covered or i have missed it but,can a mate buy a ticket or any track time that comes up that is not a member on the forum if i buy the tickets for them that way?.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Nah that's in your garage still

Or is? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
