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Cup Insurance

Last year took out an insurance premium on an imprezza turbo for 800 wrote it off within 2 weeks and bought a cup with the payout!

Admiral now want 740 for this years premium!!!!

Sound good? Oh am 28 with no ncb! and the odd speeding fine!

Id say thats pretty damned good in the circumstances (no no claims and having written off an Impreza recently).

Whilst age obviously helps the no claims seem to make the big difference (assuming you dont live in a riot area or similar..). I am 29 and have 10 year no claims and am paying under £600 (cant recall exact figure) with Elephant.

Id recommend using and seeing what that thropws up. I dont know of anyone that has not managed to save a few quid so worth taking the time IMHO.

[Edited by BossCup on 02 July 2004 at 2:15pm]

Cheers guys thought it werent too bad!

Will probably check a few other companies.

Admiral wanted roughly another £60 for eibach springs and a sports air filter

Wouldnt insure me for front and rear strut braces though:cry:
  Mondeo STTDCI

Thats f**king MARVELLOUS I am 21 with 4NCB and will be paying twice that on a 182

Just about to pay the 740 and I thought sod it lets give elephant a go

£556 WTF!

And only another 50 quid for air filter, sports suspension and R sport chip!!! Should I decide to go down that route of course;)



I dont get it, I pay around £800 and Im 27. Full NCB, 3 points, no mods and covered for 16k miles a year. And I did phone around, thats the best I could get anywhere. Its going to be even more next year once Im on 6 points.

My car is even garaged at night.

Wait till yer 28 Lee;)

Car is garaged, low mileage as I have access to a comapny car for 95% of my driving. It is hardly ever used so low risk I suppose!
