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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I still use the autofinesse deluxe and britemax red uber towels quite a lot, but the twisted towels are used just as much and equally as good but being so thin and lightweight they're a little easier to deal with and definitely easier to dry out after


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I use a Auto Finesse Deluxe but even after a hand full of washes, it still leaves little bits of fluff on the car.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I've got MF wash, but it's literally just a bottle with a label on, no instructions. I got it years ago from some car show.

I can already hear you saying "buy a good one"


Bit late, but i've got the chemical guys MF wash and it's 30ml for small loads and 60ml for heavy.

They come out great afterwards.

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Carpro big green drying towels for me (I have both sizes)

Bloody good, maybe a bit expensive.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
After a bit of advice if possible chaps, treated myself to a DAS6v2, had a quick play with it tonight and I was just wondering if it does take some proper bastid to get a decent level of correction?
I've got the basic CYC Menzerna kit, so used the yellow pad with the 3500 polish, made it shiny but still see marks in the paint. Then tried the 2200 polish on the same pad, a bit better but not got some of the larger marks out.
Is it just a case of going through the pads and polish to find what works? So next up would be the 3500 on the hard white pad? Or is that just pissing in the wind and 2200 with the white pad should sort most of it out?
My paintwork is pretty bad, but just unsure of how much stick I do need to give it :laughing:


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
After a bit of advice if possible chaps, treated myself to a DAS6v2, had a quick play with it tonight and I was just wondering if it does take some proper bastid to get a decent level of correction?
I've got the basic CYC Menzerna kit, so used the yellow pad with the 3500 polish, made it shiny but still see marks in the paint. Then tried the 2200 polish on the same pad, a bit better but not got some of the larger marks out.
Is it just a case of going through the pads and polish to find what works? So next up would be the 3500 on the hard white pad? Or is that just pissing in the wind and 2200 with the white pad should sort most of it out?
My paintwork is pretty bad, but just unsure of how much stick I do need to give it :laughing:
You say about giving it stick, are you pushing too hard?
If you push too hard the machine can't oscillate properly and you just end up pushing Polish around the car.
Have you drawn a spot on the back of the pad for reference?
(Apologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs!)


ClioSport Club Member
Don't think I was pushing too hard, mainly just rested my hand on the top of the machine so it didn't skip about. Definitely wasn't trying to push the thing through the body!
What's the spot on the back of the pad wisdom?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Don't think I was pushing too hard, mainly just rested my hand on the top of the machine so it didn't skip about. Definitely wasn't trying to push the thing through the body!
What's the spot on the back of the pad wisdom?
Get a felt pen and put a spot the size of a 5p on the edge of the back of the pad.
The machine should be oscillating fast enough that you can barely see it. If you can start to see the spot, you're pushing too hard.
It's a great way to monitor pressure.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Watch a hundred junkman videos then watch some more!

Also hexalogic pads work better with the DA system.


ClioSport Club Member
Get a felt pen and put a spot the size of a 5p on the edge of the back of the pad.
The machine should be oscillating fast enough that you can barely see it. If you can start to see the spot, you're pushing too hard.
It's a great way to monitor pressure.

Found I barely had to put any pressure on it before the spot was visible. Still, had a crack with it and it's improved the Cup. Ended up using the official DAS pad (supposed to be ideal for 1 stage polishing) and the 2200 menzerna, then topped with a coat of Bilt Hamber wax.


Have to excuse the plastics, did them after I'd taken the pictures.

It does need something more aggressive on it to get the remaining defects out. The question is should I go for the Menzerna FG400, to compliment what I already have, or Meguiars ultimate compound that I can pick up readily and cheaply from Halfords?


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ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Love Black cars when clean but f**k owning one again.

Gave my Inferno a quick clean yesterday, first clean after I fully sealed it with Collinite 845 a couple of weeks ago, forgotten just how much easier it is to clean a car that's properly sealed!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Super old school wax but an original caranuba wax. Lasts about 30 minutes durability wise but lovely wax.


ClioSport Club Member
