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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
I experience spotting when I first used gyeon wetcoat around the A pillars and front of the roof, which I thought was similar to what @JD experienced? Went at it with DDJ line prime and it cleaned it up.

As this problem has just left a hazing I had guessed it wasn't as bad.


ClioSport Admin
I experience spotting when I first used gyeon wetcoat around the A pillars and front of the roof, which I thought was similar to what @JD experienced? Went at it with DDJ line prime and it cleaned it up.

As this problem has just left a hazing I had guessed it wasn't as bad.

JD's was far worse than just spotting.

James Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Williams 3 / 172 Cup
I think I will leave it and hope for the best. Might give it a polish (got AF Tripple - good/bad?) if I have the time/weather permits. Without sounding stupid what kind of weather should I avoid claying/polishing in? Obviously if its super foggy and cold, I won't but other than that?
  Evo 5 RS
I experience spotting when I first used gyeon wetcoat around the A pillars and front of the roof, which I thought was similar to what @JD experienced? Went at it with DDJ line prime and it cleaned it up.

As this problem has just left a hazing I had guessed it wasn't as bad.

I've had spotting with it in the past. Eventually came off after a few washes.
JD's was far worse than just spotting.

It was indeed...



This is after a pass with a light cut lad and polish with DA;



After hand polishing for a while so I could drive the damn car...


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  Golf GT & A4 Avant
For those that use carpro hydr02 and hydr02 lite regularly, can you tell a difference in performance?

I've not used lite myself, but used normal hydr02 to start, then gyeon wetcoat for a longtime now. I recently tried original hydr02 and I have to admit I thought the initial water behaviour was significantly superior, but price works out quite a bit more expensive.
For those that use carpro hydr02 and hydr02 lite regularly, can you tell a difference in performance?

I've not used lite myself, but used normal hydr02 to start, then gyeon wetcoat for a longtime now. I recently tried original hydr02 and I have to admit I thought the initial water behaviour was significantly superior, but price works out quite a bit more expensive.
I thought the difference was that one is pre-mixed and ready to spray, the other needs mixing to the correct ratios?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Higher si02 level from memory in lite but yes diluted correctly at 6:1 and also wet coat is 8:1.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Bouncers bead juice is a bit more versatile and user friendly than the likes of hydro2 and wetcoat. It's not quite so important to rinse immediately.

Been on my car a couple of weeks now and still beading strong despite the snow and gritted roads

Works out more costly though compared to hydr02 lite and wetcoat


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Brinkman takes me back mate. I reckon those torches have been around for 8 years! They were all everyone used mate back in the day.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I've just got a very clean nine year old civic type r, and the aluminium door cill plates and the little interior type r plaque still have the clear plastic film on them.

I've pulled the film off the interior plaque and it's left some faint marks where the adhesive was. What's the best thing to use to clean off the adhesive.

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
If you don't really have any detailing kit then petrol.
I've got some G101 and your usual Autoglym stuff. I'll have a go over the weekend and report back.

Cant believe the one previous owner of the car didn't take it off in the nine years he had the car.
Care to elaborate?

I cant be arsed spending the time with makeup pads, Airbrush makes it a lot quicker, no?
I found I couldn't gauge the amount coming out properly and thus couldn't work out how much I'd applied in which area. Makeup pads had X number of dabs against the product I'm using and that gets me closer to guaranteeing even coverage.

Mr R.

ClioSport Club Member
  A special one.
Anyone got any experiences of using an Airbursh for applying wheel coatings such as C5, DLUX etc?
I coated a wheel via airbrush, it wasn't that great and I'm sure I ended up using more of the product.

I also filled the kitchen with over spray. [emoji23]



ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Best stuff for leather/pleather/whatever the sides of trendlines are?

Are the leather wipes any good? Or is there a better, cheaper alternative?


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I was looking at the Dr Leather ones as I believe that's what Jim at White Details uses although they seem a bit pricey what they are. Saying that, there's not much to clean on the Trendlines so could probably get away with just using one wipe per seat.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
I was looking at the Dr Leather ones as I believe that's what Jim at White Details uses although they seem a bit pricey what they are. Saying that, there's not much to clean on the Trendlines so could probably get away with just using one wipe per seat.

Need between 5 and 10 wipes to clean a full leather lightly soiled interior mate.

So just doing trendlines, you'll get a few cleans out of a 40 tub.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Also interested in the above. Need leather cleaner and something to clean and remove the slight shine on alcantara.

Tried simple fairly liquid and water to agitate the shiny part, which has made a difference but not solved it.

Any recommendations?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Also interested in the above. Need leather cleaner and something to clean and remove the slight shine on alcantara.

Tried simple fairly liquid and water to agitate the shiny part, which has made a difference but not solved it.

Any recommendations?

Dr Leather wipes

and Razeglaze Alcantara cleaner with a soft bristle brush like this



ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
I'll get some of them wipes then and see how I get on.

I've already got some Raceglaze alcantara cleaner along with a brush from Polished Bliss but not had chance to use them yet, that's this weekends job.
  Mini JCW
Interesting talk about Hydro 2 and the finish it left on your pain JD.

Beadjuice has done the same to mine. Even claying followed by Megs MF correction pads / compound applied via DA won't touch it!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Just posh wax made with similar stuff the other ones are imo. Nice to use but money spent better elsewhere.

You want boutique and performance buy Shield or Black Label. At least they perform for their price tag.
