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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread

  BMW E46 330i Touring
Yeah, P1 could be an option I suppose. I'm happy to give it some time and elbow grease but will find it hard to justify my hard-earned on looking after a car I don't own! How much does a new car correction / protection usually cost...?
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Very similar I beleive, but I think that tough coat may be a little less fussy about what you put it over but haven't tried the werkstatt kit enough to be sure


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Jeffs was the " in thing" a few years back. Easy to use and has an excellent finish and longevity to it. I've never used these newer products so can't comment.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Sticky at the top of the detailing section mate. carpro. :)

Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
what type of protection do i need on my paint?

no matter how hard i try to not to inflict swirls and such, it still happens :(
washmits are always rinsed out, gritt gaurds ( sp ) in both buckets and the car is always pre rinsed. washed top to bottom.

can a nano sealant sort of ' armour ' the paint so the swirls are harder to inflict?
  Not a 320d
They can reduce marring, almost eliminate it in fact, but they wont work miracles.

Have you tried silicone free sponges?

I blame your drying towels BTW they are the cause of all evil.

Buy new plush Yellow ones. Use for paintwork only.

Wash after each use in a clean rinse setting without detergent WITHOUT DETERGENT WITHOUT DETERGENT.

Then store your towels after washing in a clean plastic box. Dont let them dry out, the spin on a washing machine should be sufficient.

Treat your towels with respect and youll just about eliminate swirls.


Dr HMS Derv Destroyer

ClioSport Club Member
iv always rinsed it with the garden hose and hung on the washing line after. stored in its own draw in the garage.
same goes for all my MF for polishing and buffing, all washed with no wash additives.
applicators get a hot wash once in a while and then put in a sealed container.

i'll order another one as its getting on a year old now.

what wash mits are recommended ? i have a megs white MF one and one of those fancy sheeps skin/wool(sp ) one from CYC.
  Not a 320d
I wouldnt recommend any wash mits. Id recommend a silicone free sponge and taking care of your towels.

Unless you dont really care about swirls.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
If you are buying a wash mitt get the carpro one. It's sought after by everyone. Hard to maintain drying etc but worth it.
  Not a 320d
I had one of those and hated the thing. White wool on the front and black mesh at the back?

Worst mitt ive ever used.


ClioSport Club Member
Is ValetPRO's Dragon Breath any good? Won a bottle from i4detailing on Facebook yesterday.


ClioSport Club Member
Just when I couldn't have more respect for Jim.....

  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Anyone tried the Vics quick detailer?

Was easy enough to use and left a decent finish, but the panel didnt feel slick once finished. Panel was clean and smooth, but just didnt feel as nice as others I use


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I've felt slicker Dave agreed but i'd say was more to do with it being a good carnauba top opposed to something like Z6/Z8 which are uber slick.

Very good though. I've used it a lot recently.

Oh Dave CTR will be with you soon. Was waiting on new sample pots. Taken ages. They're mint though.
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Hadn't realised it was that type of QD. initial look on silver is pleasing, but will save it for the deeper blue focus once i get illusion and CTR on the go.

still find myself choosing prima slick over most, but have a new bottle of Z6 coming to compare
  RB 182
Hi guys,

Exhaust polish....what would you recommend?

I'm currently using autosol with some wire wool and then buffing off with an old microfibre. However, it doesn't give me the required shine that I would like.

Any help appreciated :)


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Hi guys,

Exhaust polish....what would you recommend?

I'm currently using autosol with some wire wool and then buffing off with an old microfibre. However, it doesn't give me the required shine that I would like.

Any help appreciated :)

Autosol is a great cleaner but britemax mini twins for final shine etc on not too tarnished tips. Only like £14 for the pair.
AF Mercury. Best one I've used. Gets most crud off with just a microfibre application, but can be stepped up to 00 gauge wire wool if necessary.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Agreed JD was very very good.

Another underrated one is the megs blue tub from Halfrauds. Works quite well and seals up the tip for a bit.

Britemax just a nice combo.


ClioSport Club Member
Afternoon chaps, last question on this subject... Which would you choose between Ceramishield Pro and Cquartz UK, and the most important bit, why?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
A couple of reasons. Ceramishield isn't quite up there with Cquartz and GT etc. CCC are good, the guy Lee is such a nice chap and helped me out on countless occasions but they aren't an established name they are just a start up company mate.

CQUK is vastly proven with great back up support etc. Ceramishield at the end of the day is just relabled like most of the stuff they sell.
  Twingo Dynamique
Evening folks... just a quick one really, and probably rather elementary, however I'm new to this so bear with me if I say something completely wrong!!

I have AF Lather, Imperial and Tripple, and now i also have a AG Detailing Clay set (has the rapid detailer a couple cloths and the clay) I also have some MF cloths too, and finally my other products include diamondbrite glaze stage 1&2, and also some tardis knocking about somewhere in the garage...

Am i right in thinking what i should be doing wednesday if it doesn't rain the following;

1: Rinse car off with pressure wash
2: Clean wheels using imperial and my megs wheel brush
3:Wash car using lather and 2-bucket method
4: dry car (yes i will have to use a chamois, but don't hate me for it, it surely can't be that bad ??!!)
5: Clay whole car, keeping it well lubed with rapid detailer
6: Apply tardis on.. bottom half of the car? with a MF cloth?? or paper towel??
7: Wash car again to remove clay residue/tardis residue/quick detailer stuff?
8: apply Diamondbrite stage 1 then 2, as a sealant.. all done.?

Is this worth doing? or is it worth me waiting until i can afford wax aswell to go over the diamondbrite? also after this "deep clean" as i would call it, would i just make sure i do a quick wash once a week with the AF Lather, even if it doesnt look too "dirty" then after say 1/2 months do this same process again?? Is it worth doing 2 coats of the diamondbrite?

